Undertale Sans X Undertale Papyrus

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"GET DUNKED ON!" Sans angrily screamed, his voice becoming scratchy because of yelling at Chara so much during their battle. He summoned two larger Gaster Blasters and fired them at the murderous human. The blue beams crackling and sparkling like electricity around him, he wasn't sure how long the battle was lasting anymore, and he wasn't sure how long his battle song, Megalovania was playing on repeat, the angry notes like a surround sound stereo system. He then mustered up the strength to fire a widespread barrage of random sized bones at the kid, too tired to continue he then said his last words. "You ready for my special attack? That's right, it's nothin', we're gonna stand here, forever." Sans then started to fall asleep, hoping to dream about everyone being alive again, Papyrus, Undyne, Toriel, Muffet, he even missed Mettaton a little, surprising, right? His eyelids slowly drooped, then he started to softly snore. His worries lifting off of his chest until he felt a burning sensation through his ribs, then he started to bleed and some blood spattered out of his mouth, staining his white teeth, he kept his smile and fell onto his butt and held his chest in an attempt to stop the blood flow. He knew he only had a limited time to live left, he then said a few words to Chara, but he couldn't even hear his own voice to determine what he was saying. Then he slowly stood up, swaying a little. And walked away from the child. Looking up through tears in his eyes, his blue eye stopped glowing brightly and was replaced with a calm white dot. He gasped, despite the pain in his chest at what he saw, he saw a shimmer of white that slowly turned into a ghostly figure of Papyrus with his arms outstretched, his scarf blowing in the breeze drafting through the judgement hall, with his slightly cracked battle body and scuffed boots and his torn gloves.
"P-Papyrus?, is that really you?" Sans asked, fighting back tears and spitting blood onto the shiny golden floor.
"Yes it is, Sans, I love you so much and I am so proud of you." Papyrus answered, his voice a strange echo against the walls. Behind Papyrus, stood more painfully familiar figures, Toriel, with her elegant purple and white robe, a bittersweet smile on her face and tears in her eyes, Undyne, flashing her signature toothy grin and her long red hair waving in the breeze, tears threatening to spill out of her good eye. Muffet, with her arms crossed across her body and smiling solemnly at the small skeleton, and Mettaton NEO, not being self centered for once,
"You did your best, darling." He encouraged.
"Yeah, Punk! I'm proud of ya!"
"Yes, Sans, you made us all happy."
"I may not know you that well, dearie, but you made me and all of the spiders in the underground proud of you!" Sans was overwhelmed by his friend's and aquaintence's assurance, he then began to cry openly, sad about everyone's demise, he was clearly ignoring Chara, who was laughing evilly behind him, he believed I'm King Asgore, he knew Asgore would win if he just tried hard enough.
"Thanks, guy-" Sans began before he threw up on the gold floor. Throwing up the spaghetti and ketchup he ate and drank earlier. And blood began flowing heavily from his chest, his hand wasn't enough to stop the flow.
"Sans, just let go." Papyrus said slowly, unsure about his words. "You did your job, you have nothing left to do, brother, you don't have to stay, you are dying." He finished.
"Okay... you're right, I have no purpose anymore." Sans agreed, then he slowly turned to Chara, "Welp, I'm gonna go to Grillby's" he lied to Chara, he didn't want her to know that he was defeated. Megalovania faded out into the distance, he then saw his friends stand up, and open their arms in welcome to their friend/family member Papyrus began to step foward and he held out his hand to his dying older brother. Sans then took Papyrus' hand and walked away with his brother and friends. "Papyrus, do you want anything?" Sans whispered painfully before he slowly dusted. His torn jacket fell to the ground and was covered in Sans' dust. Chara couldn't see them, but Sans' spirit was walking away with Toriel, Muffet, Undyne, Mettaton NEO, and Papyrus, the brothers tightly holding hands and the friends were laughing and crying in bittersweet reunion. Everyone was together again, and they would wait to see what would happen to King Asgore.

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