Fresh Sans' Gift (Bonus Chapter)

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     Fresh Sans was a parasite, a virus, his true form was so terrifying, that he had to do his best to hide it, and he needed hosts to keep going, or he just wants them for sheer pleasure and pride in his work. Until one day, he followed Error, who was just passing through Fresh's territory into an AU, an AU that Fresh had never seen before. The place is called Snowdin, but... it's different, he could just feel it. He had visited Undertale once before, and tried to make the Papyrus his new host to feed on, but the Sans wouldn't have it, he literally beat the crap out of Fresh, and to this day, Fresh's right shoulder never stopped popping every once in a while.

Location: Underfell
This Snowdin just felt different, but he had no idea how or why, until he saw the Sans, the Sans had a black jacket with a fluffy light brown hood, underneath the jacket was a deep read t-shirt, a pair of black shorts with two yellow stripes down each side and a pair of sock and slippers. Why would Error want this place? It seems pretty normal to me, nothing is broken or wrong with this AU! He thought to himself, until he saw the black and red boned skeleton confront the other Sans,
"Sans of Underfell, I, Error, the Destroyer, will strike you and your pathetic universe down." The glitched skeleton warned. "And I will take immense satisfaction in your pain."
"Listen here, buddy, I know who you are, so just cut the crap. I'm not going to be like the Sans in Underswap and try to make friends with you!" But Error Sans just ignored Fell Sans.
"It'S tImE tO dIe!!!" Error screamed. Fresh immediately started panicking, was this any worse than himself using hosts? He wasn't very sure, but he knew what he had to do. Adrenaline helped him to run on between Fell and Error. Stopping the two skeletons from fighting. "Get out of my way, you are just a ninties mess." Error insulted, but Fresh just ignored him.
"Hey! You! Circus freak! Get a move on!" Fell screamed at Fresh. Fresh felt his eye twitch, but once again, he ignored the insults that were thrown at him.
"Error! You know that's not a very rad thing to do!" Fresh yelled at Error. "Yeah, like what YOU do is any better!"  Error shot back, and while Fresh was distracted by Error himself, Error had a tight hold on Fell with his cables, squeezing him very hard, Fresh thought he heard a few bones crack beneath Fell's thick jacket.
"AGH! P-PLEASE STOP!" Fell screamed, ditching his badass attitude for once.
"T-this is pretty hilarious to watch, y'know." Error sassed. "I should do this more often!" Error finished before he turned around to finish of Fresh and he saw twin Gaster Blasters hovering behind Fresh, one was pink with a green beam and the other was green with a pink beam.
"I'm giving you one more chance to let Fell go, you unradical broseph." Fresh warned. He was confusing himself with the fact that he was actually standing up for someone for once, he thought it felt kind of... nice. It made him feel good inside, even better than he feels when he takes hosts to nourish himself.
"Nobody understands your idiotic 'language', and why are you standing up for this bag of edgy bones? He's useless! And his AU as well! This place and it's occupants need to dusted." Error reprimanded.
"Unlike you, you janky bag of bones, I am beginning to see the worth of life. I kidnapped monsters for crying out loud! And you have no idea how much that hurt on the inside! But I needed hosts to keep surviving, but what others don't see, is that me taking hosts is better than me going crazy and mass killing everybody and covering myself in the dust of the ones I don't use to keep myself alive!"
Fresh screamed as he shot his Gaster Blasters at Error Sans at full force.
"NGAH! JuSt YoU wAiT! Next time we see each other, I will have backup! As if I need it anyways! Because I can take care of you single handedly by myself! But just because a virus like you needs exterminated, I will bring more to destroy you! The more the merrier! Goodbye for now, parasite." Error warned before he lifted Fell Sans higher above the ground and released his cables, making him fall to the cold hard ground with a thump!
"Are you okay, brah?" Fresh was worried about Fell.
"Y-yeah, I better get back to the boss." Fell grunted. Wincing in pain from his ribs being injured from Error's cables. "And, thanks for helping me..." Fell thanked Fresh for his help and limped back to his house to his brother/boss.
"You're welcome, bruh!" Fresh replied. Happy about himself.
Fell is lucky, he has a brother to go home to, though their relatioship is janked but still, he has a brother. Fresh thought to himself, suddenly saddened at his situation. Then he heard a strange voice.
"Excuse me? Fresh Sans?" The voice whispered from behind him.
"Yes? At your service brah!" Fresh answered, despite his depressing situation. The skeleton behind him was slightly taller, with a brown jacket tied around his waist, a scarf like garment around his neck, a sash with different colors, (Fresh was guessing that they were paint.) And he was holding a giant paintbrush.
"Fresh Sans, I am Ink Sans, the Creator." The other skeleton introduced himself.
"Oh! You're THE Ink Sans!" Fresh responded before he went down on his knees and bowed his head respectfully.
"Now now, don't do that, I'm no different than you. I just have a more difficult job." Ink replied.
"Sorry, man." Fresh responded.
"Fresh, I watched your little skirmish with Error Sans. And I wish to reward you for that. And I heard him warn you about him building building a team to eradicate you, so you must build your own team to fight against him, and I shall be the second member of your team, you being the first, of course." Ink said.
"I have a few ideas for other team members." Fresh replied.
"Can you list their names? And I will write them down so we can ask them to be a part of our defense team." Ink said.
"Let's see, Underswap Sans, Dream Sans, Errorswap Papyrus, Swapfell Sans, Reboot Sans and Bluescreen." Fresh listed. Ink seemed impressed with his choices for his team against Error.
"Good choices, Fresh, now, for your reward." Ink smiled with excitement. "Close your eyes please, you are really going to love this." Ink asked. Fresh closed his eyes behind his YOLO shades and Ink got to work with his paintbrush. "Okay, you can look now."
Fresh opened his eyes, and what he saw made his jaw drop which made his shades drop to the ground. Standing in front of Fresh was a tall skeleton, with with blue and green beanie hat on his head, a pair of YOLO shades identical to Fresh Sans' shades, a bright yellow jacket, beneath beneath the jacket was a tye dye battle body and a blue scarf around his neck, a pair of pink and purple shorts and a pair of black boots.
"Brother?" The tall skeleton spoke.
Fresh felt tears threaten to spill from his eye sockets.
"Papyrus?" Fresh responded. Ink just watched the two brothers proudly. And he felt his soul warm up with happiness. Then Fresh ran over to Papyrus, and jumped into his arms. Fresh Papyrus just held Fresh Sans like a baby, both of them now crying in rejoice.
"Fresh Sans, listen to me now, each month, I will visit you and your Papyrus with nourishment that I created." This was met with horrified expressions. "Don't worry, I'm not using any monster, I just know a recipe that Inkswap Papyrus gave me a very long time ago, it is made from special mushrooms only found in Outerfell and special water only found in Monofell."
"Oh, heh." Fresh Sans responded, while Fresh Papyrus just giggled.
"Ink, thank you so much!" Fresh thanked. "I really wanted a brother! And now I have one! This is so radical brah!" Fresh continued.
"You're welcome, Fresh. Now, the both of you have to get to know each other. But don't forget about our team." Ink responded before he teleported away.
Fresh Sans, who was still laying in Fresh Papyrus' arms, snuggled closer to Papyrus and started crying again.
"I'm so glad you're here!" Sans choked out.
"I'm glad I'm here too!" Papyrus agreed.

Location: Unknown

"Nightmare, I'm so glad you could make it." Error greeted Nightmare Sans.
"Glad I made it as well." Nightmare responded with with respectful nod.
"Could you make a few phone calls for me?" Error asked while handing Nightmare his phone.
"Yes sir." Nightmare responded. "Who would you like me to contact." Then Error handed him a list. It read,
Killer Sans (aka Killer)
Dusttale Sans (aka Murder Sans)
Fellswap Sans (aka Blackberry)
Papercut (aka Papercut)
Horrortale Sans (aka Horror)
Horrorswap Papyrus (aka Pap)
Cross Sans (aka Cross)
Eraser Sans (aka Eraser)
Horrorfell Papyrus (aka Scare)
GZtale Papyrus (aka Parlous)
GZswap Sans (aka GZberry)
Underdarkness Papyrus (aka Dark)
Virus Sans (aka Virus)
Aftertale Sans (aka Geno)
Reapertale Sans (aka Reaper)
Fatal_Error Sans (aka Fatal_Error)

"Yes, sir." Nightmare responded again.


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