Chapter 56

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I was in the forest. Alone. It was the winter season—my favorite time of year. I was little, presumably eight in human years.

I was ethereally relishing the snow flakes come and fall upon my face. A happenstance to open my palm to feel the flakes.

An intrusion had come. I heard a peculiar sound, like a branch of a tree that was moved by someone or something. I didn't get shocked when it happened all of a sudden for the reason that I perfectly knew I was being watched. All the time. I tried to tilt my head from side to side, for a chance that I might see it.

I walked very slowly towards the sound. Apparently, warily. "Don't be scared," my voice was strangely high-pitched. "Come out."

There was another sound that came, and that sound was decipherable. It was a deep growl coming from a beast coming nearer.
It came out slowly, out of the bushes. I eventually discovered a brown wolf that stared at me directly in the eye.

"My name is Selene," I said as soon as his shadow came out. I frowned, my eyebrows furrowed when I felt something ominous. This brown wolf was snarling at me. I backed steps away from him as he did the opposite—forwarding. He looked more threatening as he was a feet away from me. For one second, he stopped from going toward me, his snarl faded and his threatening look made by wrinkles went away. I was still continuing to do what I was doing even though I saw he stopped. His pale green eyes unblinkingly gazed at my vampiric red eyes for a short moment until he turned and disappeared running into the woods. 

Before I could manage to chase the brown wolf, I smelled a strange smell—like a material being burnt.

I knew I was dreaming past memories. I swiftly got up from the bed, grunting as I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand. The heat was sweltering. I looked at the guy sleeping beside me, he had his still closed. He had his mouth funnily opened from snoring.

"Abel!" I said, shaking him. "Abel, what the heck, wake up! Abel!" I now shouted. I shook him stronger. Finally, he opened and blinked rapidly his eyes, adjusting it. He rose from the bed. "W-what's happening?" He said lazily, scratching his head when he rose. And then he blinked once again, and his eyes widened. "Oh, shit," he murmured and wore his shirt and jeans.

I glanced at the table when I saw that the fire was going to reach it almost, I made phewing sound when the clothes did not get burned. I groveled to quickly wear the garments I use when going out of the house, at the same time, coughing. My room was already a dismal place. The walls around were ablaze. Without saying any word, Abel pulled my hand and went for the door. We had escaped thankfully without having any injury.

We ran to the last door, but I stopped running. "What is it?" He asked exasperatedly.

"Chris and Tate . . . What if they're here?" I said. One hand was covering my head although it wasn't to protect it in case something fell.

He let out an irritated sigh. I gasped not because he wasn't there or anything, but I did because his sleep was so delicious and deep he was snoring so loudly it filled the air other than the sound of the fire devouring our house.

"Please wake up. Please," I half-whispered when I tapped his cheek. For two minutes, I struggled doing it. His heavy sleep added to my woes I would almost want to slap Father. He's my father, after all.

"Is the house on fire?" He asked and sniffed. "I smell smoke."

"Yes, of course!" I quickly answered, wiping my forehead because of perspiration and panic.

"I'm gonna go check up on Tate," Abel said.

"He didn't come home here, Abel," I coughed.

So the three of us exited the house as fast as we could. But it wasn't that quick easy, though, I nearly passed out. And all of us nearly suffocated, but before that could happen, we were lucky enough to escape the house. We were outside the house, catching our breaths.

The entire house was afire. It was a desolation, since our house was made of mere woods and light materials. If I hadn't woken up, we were most likely dead.

My stare was at Father, Father's stare was at the desolation. I could clearly see his eyes were a pool of deep anguish. Though there were no tears coming out, I could feel the pain in his heart. It was as if I was Father, seeing how hard it was to build such a thing. Even though it was only a house, we still left memories.

This was where I met Tate. This was where we always stay. This was where I eat, relax, talk, and sleep. This was now my home.

But then my mind was thinking of another thing. I couldn't stop from thinking about what I just dreamed. I knew that dream was trying to give me a message I couldn't possibly know. So in order for me to crack the code hidden in that thing, I should do one simple thing.

"Abel," I called because we were technically watching the house being consumed by this fire. "Let's go see Tate."

He smiled and cupped my face with one hand. "By all means, Selene. But your father has to rest."

I nodded my head. "Yes, yes. We gotta take him to your house."

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