Chapter 24

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"You have failed again to gain more souls Ryeowook~ah!" The magician said to the small male with injured arms.

"Shut up Kyu.... what about you? Your not even half way through your mission." Ryeowook said.

"Says who? Look at the pretty birds that I've captured. See? I bet Siwon will be pleased, rather than you who always fail to do a simple job." He teases the smaller man as he shows his cage with three small person on it.

" Let us go!" Chen shouted who tries to shake the cage as Kai hugs D.O closer to him. It has been a day since they were sucked in the cage and let them starve and stay like that for nearly half a day.w

"Wow, you really gain some new pets there, but how can Siwon even praise you with that things?" Ryeowook raised an eyebrow.

Kyuhyun chuckles and sway the cage from left to right slightly, causing the the captures to stumble before they fall into a sitting position inside the cage.

"Hey! That is not fair! I might puke inside this cage and you wouldn't even want that right? So you better free us or else..."

"Or else what? You don't seem to know your place yet, you tiny thing. " Kyuhyun place the cage on the table and he pokes Chen with a stick making Chen to groan in pain.

"I'll make the orders here and not you!" He reminds them.

"We're not your toys! Change us back this once!" Kai shouted to him.

"Ooohh.. what a feisty one you have there!" Another man with black attire enters the room with another male with slighlty long hair that is push back with a head band.

"See? I told you he have the Fae." The man with the band speak.

"Yeah... but I've got a problem about this one since the darker male doesn't want to release the Fae. He always hold him like that so I can't separate the two." Kyuhyun sighs.

Chen now seat besides Kai and D.O while calming Kai when the other guys throw them some insults.

"We can't let them take D.O since they are the bad guys." Chen whispers to Kai who holds D.O tighter on his embrace.

"As if I'm gonna let them have him without a fight." Kai scoff while giving the guys a glare.

"I wanna go home now." D.O holds Kai's arms that is holding him tight in an embrace with slight teary eyes.

"We'll find a way to escape here somehow so don't cry please. We are here for you." Kai assures him with a peck on his cheeks. D.O burrows his face on Kai's arms as he nuzzle on it for assurance with his curled up body.

"Yeah, no need to be afraid because that is what they want so can't show weakness to them." Chen ruffles his hair affectionately and saw the man looking at them which he replies with a smug look.

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