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It feels so odd. Something is definitely not right.

Kai thought to himself.

Just when he vanished Siwon to the dark abyss, somehow he still doesn’t feel too satisfied. He can’t point it out yet but he is feeling quietly odd for a reason and saw something black made its way through his fingers up to his hands, arms and looks like it was crawling, claiming its way to all his body.

He examined his hands which were now it a patch of combination of gray and black. The thing was still crawling up and he can feel it up to his neck, slowly filling up his body.

Then he heard a mumbling. It started with buzzing in his ears at first and now he can clearly hear it too well.

The voice was too familiar and now it is laughing and mocking at him.

“See little brat? I didn’t even need to put an effort for my plan and just like that, you fell right unto it.” Siwon’s voice was heard but whenever he turned, he can’t see the said male. That is when it all sink in.

He is talking in his mind while he felt a sudden pain pooling in his chest like Siwon is there ready to pull out rom him in any moment.

“AAhhhh….” Kai clasps his chest like it will rip into two making him fall into his knees and close his eyes at the pain the said male is bringing.

“Just show yourself like a man you are…. You coward bastard.” He cursed Siwon with his gritted teeth. And just like that, a swirling black thing is forming into a familiar shape before it crouch down to his level. Revealing an image of Siwon smiling at him.

“Hey. You know what a witch need aside from circles?” Siwon leans onto his ears letting him hear the last word he wants to say.

As if I would want to hear from you.  He wanted to said it out loud to him but the pain is now doubled when Siwon leans near him.

“It’s you…”

It’s all what he had heard when a chant was done by Siwon making his body felt light headed that is enough to make him loose consciousness. Or that is what he thought. The last thing he could remembered was someone calling him.

Later he didn’t know, the environment around them turned to somewhat primeval with ferns and plants varying in size and types with trees which grows taller than normal ones.


“KAI!!” Kyungsoo shouts when he felt something is happening at his lover which is indeed there is.

Just after a death pixie appear in front of them with an unusual size, he decided to check Kai since he was the first to encounter the creature but what he saw make him shiver as the once vanished Siwon gain his form in front of Kai while chanting something on his ears.
Something ancient that he can’t understand even if he tries.

“Get away from him.”

Kyungsoo tried to pry him away from Kai but when he was near the said enemy, Kai’s eyes become different. He is now radiating a red color that connects to the sky, with an invisible force pushing him away from them with the crazy laugh of Siwon vibrating through them.

“Too late, kiddo.”

Siwon mouthed to him as a large circle gathered from the ground and it engulfs him, Kai and Kyungsoo so he decided to throw some big boulders to them when a big explosion happens knocking him to the nearest wall with some debris falling in random direction.

“Kyungsoo!!!” Chanyeol shouts when he saw what had happen and quickly runs towards the Fae when a group of pixies charge at him.

“Yeol wait!” Lay was too late to cover him with his cloth as he saw his friend being engulf by great fire created by the group of pixies that gathered around him.

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