thirty nine

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Siwon is indeed in rage.. In fact.. he could kill anyone in his sight right here and now but he decided to make his enemy pay tenfold for ruining his previous plan by a bunch of stupid vampire and some pretentious hunter that are weak as a wee baby. He plans to do it in a painful ans slow manner in his mind just as he saw where some of them stands just a mere distance unaware or not of his presence coming up to them. And with that, he releases his best murderous aura making them felt a shiver and chill to their spine up to the tips of their hair. (if it that is possible.)

"You--dare--- to defy ME!!!!" He send a mundane scream as he let his shadow reach the place where the others are now but not yet his appearance for sure.

He can see his own reflection by now. His own hair now, although still brushed up, it was longer than usual that looks like in a braid form that fall low up to the back of his waist. His hands now somewhat bluish green in color and seems his fingers are a little longer than usual plus his long nails. (Just imagine his similar appearance in dragon blade in Jackie chan's movie, just a little change in skin color and more slimy. So much for plugging some movie.. heheh..)

"Jiyoung... those brats manage not only to bust my plan but to take out an important pillar of my next Utopia." He gritted his teeth upon seeing the man who was not suppose to be there at all which added to his dreadful thing he might do to the bunch of mortals and lowly creature there.

"AAAaaahhhhhhHHHH!!!"  Siwon charges them with some debris of walls and big rocks towards their direction.

"LOOK OUT!" Lay pointed out the flying rocks towards them and good thing that the fae just noticed it and block them with one of his barrier.

"Is this what you truly ask Channie?" Kris asks all of a sudden.

"Could I just take back what I've said?" The giant gulps at this.

"Heads up! Don't let your guard down. If only I have my powers back, maybe I can--whoaaa--" Jiyoung said to them before he was pull to the other side of the wall and stuck to it by a dark like crystal forming all over his body while he fight to struggle free.

"Hyung!!" Kai tried to pull Jiyoung back but D.O just held onto him motioning for a no.

"Oh no! What are we gonna do now?" Lay felt a little jumpy from the scene before him.

"Now that the pest is gone, let me repay what you have done to my supposed to be perfect plan." Siwon's glowing green eyes is now evident letting them see his appearance.

"Whoaaa.. Literal showing your true colors eh?" Kai can't help but to like his normal appearance than this.

"You think just by letting one out of the pillar can save you from saving this trashy place? Let's see about that." Siwon looks at them with mundane expression as he raised his hands creating some monster from the dark holes appearing from his sides letting some of his bony undead monsters came this time, similar to those bone eaters that they have encountered back at the factory.

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