Chapter 30

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" I thought we are inside a cave?" Chen asks when they walk inside and saw another large plants like they felt small around the different plants around them.

"I felt like i'm in wonderland. Why are there large trees every where?" Kai blurted out while he walks side by side with Kyungsoo.

"Because we are looking for some flower so it all make sense?" Baekbeom answered making him rolls his eye to the other.

"Of course I KNOW that!! I'm just testing if you guys knew that." He stick his tongue out and hugs Kyungsoo tightly.

"Look!! Another lake and there is a flower in the middle of it!!" Kris points towards it and they all widen their eyes at the sight.

Just when Xiumin is leading the way, he startled by a sound of a bush rustling making them stop for a while. Just then, a boar suddenly emerge running from the bush and made its way past through them and head towards the lake. The group starts to move towards it but they are taken surprise when the boar was swallowed a moving water figure in the lake. They also watch in horror when the boar tried to struggle clearly seeing the skin of the boar melts like the lake was made of acid as it releases a big howl of death until it was nowhere to be seen.

"What.....was...that!!" Chen half scream after he saw what happened to the poor pig.

"So the lake is very dangerous that is why no one ever gets the flower. How can we get the flower if you will be dead before setting a foot near the lake?" Kris puts a hand on his chin to think things clearly.

"I know! Why don't you go freeze the water and maybe that will let us walk towards it right?" Chen looks at Xuimin who widen his eyes and mutters something before talking.

"And who do you think I am?!?! Do I look like queen Elsa to you and sing a song while I freeze the water as I walk by? Even if I can do that, I would never do that to satisfy your fantasy about me copying Elsa. I'm a freaking man!!!" He felt his blood boils as he points a finger to Chen which raised his hands in defeat.

They are stop by their mini fight when Kyungsoo giggles at the two and mutters a sorry before the others also chuckles at them.

"Anyways, we still don't know if that is the 'real' flower." Baekbeom decided to toss a stone which he picks from the side.

He throws it sideward making it jump by the water before it reach towards the flower. The stone was clearly reduced to smaller as it hits the water since it is quite acidic. What amuses them more is when the rock reach the ground beside the flower, a big monstrous mouth opens beside the flower itself and swallows it down. After few seconds, the ground and flower appears again and remains unharmed leaving them dumbfounded. They all looked at D.O who shook his head in the attention.

"Definitely, not 'our' flower! It has a somehow a mixture of blood red then gold petals towards the center." He state to them.

"Good thing it is not the flower." Kris raised his eyebrow and titled to his side.

"Such a shame we couldn't hear Umin hyung to sing let it g....ooooouuuch!!" Chen gasp in pain when Xiumin decided to shut him up by pulling his ear away from the other who are hindering their laughter from the two guys as they walk on by.

"Maybe that was Chen singing to Xiumin hyung to 'let it go!' instead." Kai chuckles and they all bursted out laughing instead.

Many hour later, they walk and walk but only saw more plants and feels that they are just circling the said forest. They decided to stop for a while and think about what to do next.

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