Chapter 9

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**sorry for the many errors though...

Bone eaters inside the factory are still on the loose and so as the dolls. They are now disoriented so the group decided to close the factory and burn it up to purify the place. The workers are sad and relief at the same time to be out of the place. 


What ever happened to Mr. Lee and the place are close down by the fact that Mr. Lee's attempt on blow up the place just like what they have heard on his last words and the bone eaters and doll issue are erased in their memories by Luhan and Yongguk's crew. 


They are all outside the burning factory and waiting for the fire to burn down so they can leave the place. But a call from Yongguk orders them to clear the place down meaning, no evidence so they need D.O's help on the job. D.O stomp his feet, the ground begins to shake and it start to eat up the ware house until it was all swallowed by the earth. It was just like there was no building there from the start. D.O and the others slumps to that ground with Baek on his side. Kai and Luhan gets the car from above.


"What a freakin' job you guys have. I can't believe what mess our dad gave us!" Chen shouted as he wash his body with damp cloth to lessen the smell he had and reminds himself to take a long bath. 


"You should have thought about that before coming with us." Suho said. 


"What's with the long towel Lay?" Xiumin asks the dimple guy.


"Oh, this is my father's gift for me. Although I don't know how to use it so I decided to put it on Sehun's injured shoulder to stop the bleeding. See?" He answers and lifts the towel. To their surprise, the injury was gone.


"Whoa.. is that a magical towel?" Chen asks immediately examining the towel and Sehun's shoulders.  


"You mean the gifts we have is magical?" Lay asks dumbly.


"You mean the keychain?" Kris quoted. 


"Oh, I don't receive any key chain just a large towel." He answer innocently. 


"That is not a towel dimwit! That is a magical blanket that are passed in one of the vampire hunters lineage and it has magical effects such as it is elastic, can be use as protection or can heal something." Suho answers for them. 


"I think we need a long talk after this incident. Let's now go back to the hotel that we stay in and later we can discuss things further." Xiumin suggests. 




"You send us to a hell of a job with unprepared hunters, crazy bone eaters, dolls and a crazy bastard then all we've got is a good job?! Come on hyung! You've got to be kidding us!" Tao whines. 

"Manners panda! Now, who have thought that the assign job was that serious? We haven't been there yet." Yongguk said.


"Well, we've just met 'Mephistopheles' the one which collects soul and you have just said ---" Baekhyun cuts him off and place a hand over his mouth.

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