fill in....

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"Urgh... I where is it?" Luhan groans as he find  something from his cabinet. He looks around the entire room but it seems that he still can't find it, even a hint of smell of it.

"I put it somewhere here just a while ago."

He was cut off his search when he heard a knock on the door before it was pushed open by a familiar male.

"Hyung. You're still up??" Sehun just come in after his usual chat with the others in the living room before they decide to take a break.

"Yeah. YOu know that I am nocturnal right? I should ask that to you." Luhan said to the male.

"Oh,sorry. I guess I forgot." Sehun replied back and saw that Luhan looks like he is finding something.

"Looking for something?" Sehun asks.

"Yeah. "

"Wanna let me help?" He blinks at the vamp.

"NO thanks. I can manage to find it anyways." The older insists.

"You sure?"

A hum was heard as a reply.

"M'kay" I'm gonna take a shower first." Sehun informs him as he grab some clothes from the drawer before getting towards the bathroom.

"Goodnight hyung!" He saw a smirk on Sehun's face before he replies and heard a soft click.

"It's not here. Maybe Suho still have some bank.I better check up on him." Luhan proceeds to the living room of the tree house where Suho is.

"Hey! Is baek still doing some rounds?" Luhan greets the male.

"Yeah. Kyungsoo is resting and Xiu is still on his room with Chen." The pale vamp answered. "Can I do something for you?" Suho asks to him.

"I'm just wondering. Do you happen to see my blood supply in my room or do you still have  a spare? I'm thirsty." The older asks.

"Sorry Han. I've already used up mine and no. I already gave your supply to Sehun,. Why don't you ask the him?" He blinks.

"All right. I will." he retreats with a slump shoulder.

He manage to check on Xiumin first to see if he drinks his supply and check on Tao before proceeding to his room with Sehun.

Upon entering the room, he saw Sehun naked, except from the towel covering his private part of course and find the other male smell very alluring as he groans.

"Hey! You're back already! Did you find what you've been looking for?" He smiled innocently.

"NO. Do you happen to see my blood bank here? I can't find it any...where..." He swallowed hard when he saw that the other was now face to face with him and saw him smirking.

"i dunno... I already gave it you hyung. MAybe you forgot to count them before you drink all of them." He teased as he leans forward and corner the man in the wall.

"Well... I..I guess... so... What are doing?" Luhan find it hard to breathe now and the other leans forward to whisper something to him.

"HOw about tasting mine instead?" Sehun kissed the man hard and decided to let the older's fang grew stronger before he licks it while the older gasp for air and felt his urge to taste the other.

"FUck.. SeHun!" He inwardly cursed the man as the younger led him on to his neck and let the older bite him in the neck earning a gasp.

They stay like that for a while enjoy the company of each other before they pull off.

Luhan eyes Sehun before a playful smirk was seen in Sehun as he say,

"I gave it to Suho hyung afterwards."

"What the fuck!!"


a little teaser before my next chapter.. it's rushed I know.. sorry! :3

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