thirty one

90 3 1

Dragon valley is just plain as any valley could be, save for the different bones scattered all around and some small reptiles and green small plants growing around it.

"It seems that we are in different dimension in this place." Kai was amazed by the place.

"Well it is a special place from the start and only few people knew this since it is an isolated place lost in the map." Donghae explains to them.

"If few people knew it, how come you guys found it?" Chen asks them.

"Actually... we don't! We just found that baby dragon on the loose after we've escaped from Siwon and decided to make it as a pet." Donghae spill it out before Eunhyuk can warn him.

"You have such a big mouth Hae!" Eunhyuk warns him with a his before the others got interested in their story.

"So, you are going to follow us from up 'til now or what? " Chen asks them.

"Well, I 'DO' know how to pay my debt off and I guess I haven't paid it off yet. Don't even worry about us 'coz we are neutral for now." Eunhyuk assures them but the older doesn't want to put them at ease.

"So, mind telling us what happened for you to be out of Siwon's group?" Baekbeom looked at Donghae since he was the most gullible and babbler mouth of the two.

"Well, we didn't like he controls our leader Leeteuk by his miasma so we want remedy for....hmmph" He was cut of by a clasp on his mouth by Eunhyuk.

"Watch what you are saying fishy!" He warns Donghae with intense look on his eyes so he nods in agreement.

"And you, we don't owe you an explanation, unless we have debt in you." He give him a piercing stare and keep his cool.

"Oh yeah? Like your the one's who've attract the bogarts from the start." Kai starts an argument.

"Uhmmm.. .actually... it was my fault since I might trigger something on their instinct since they are territorial." Kyungsoo explains.

"Nah.. that's impossible and if that is true.... I forgive you." Kai smiled at Kyungsoo while the others rolled their eyes.

"If you guys don't want to tell the story to us, that's fine since we will be finding the truth sooner or later but today, I prefer to let us all be civil for today shall we?" Baekbeom tried to finish the nonsense conversation, for him and proceed to walking.

Once they are on the open fields, they can saw many different flower blooming and quickly saw the once which they've been searching for near the center as the small dragon whines indicating they are in the correct place that time.

"There's our flower!" Kyungsoo pointed out for them.

"Great! Now all we've got to do is to fetch that flower so Tao can wake." Xiumin was eager to get the flower to wake his dongsaeng.

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