Holy shizzles & im alone

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Anyways I was watching iisuperwomenii types of single people... but uh.. I wasn't in there..

Now lemme explain what Most fan girls do when their single (which I have been for so long.......)
1. Watch their favorite show.. containing mostly of shipping
2. Make up their own senpai
3. Make their senpai hot
4. Have a ship that they love half to death and cry like it's a break up when it sinks
5. In real life they stay away from relationships because they are already are in one
With a fictional character...
6. Eat all da snacks like no tomorrow
Wait maybe this is just me...
Naw I'll pretend like I'm not the only one :3
7. Talk about their senpai to their friends...
Wait yea.. that's just me... I have only told 1 person about thunder senpai..

We have to be good friends for dat....
8. Say you don't feel alone

And then Valentine's Day comes up and you feel all alone.. you try to tell your friend this but they don't understand cuz they have someone of their own.. but yet they tell u you don't need Anyone

9. (This is me) say your not into dating at the moment but truthfully no one can beat your senpai expectations so u cry in a corner
10. When your in a relationship.. but yet they don't understand your fangirl side which equals your whole life so u have to break up wit them...

Truth be told the last time I was in a relationship

We talked about unicorns the whole lunch period..
He thought it was weird......

And that's when Cuddley knew he was NOT the one...
This is how test them...
       With the power of majestic magic!

No I'm really NOT KIDDING

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