Unexpected help

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Cisco's POV:
Me and everyone at Star labs were so shocked after seeing the news. What is going on, how does Caitlin have powers it's impossible I was thinking.

Until my thoughts were interrupted by Detective Joe west and his daughter Iris suddenly walking in.

"How could you guys lets your friend take Barry like that, we have to find them. She killed tons of police officers she has to be stopped" Joe shouted angrily.

"This isn't her ok, I didn't even no she had powers but don't worry will get Barry back it will just take a little time" I said back.

"Well couldn't we just track her by cold signatures in the area, just like Captain cold." Dr. Wells added on.

"Yes of course I will get on that" I replied.

Frost's POV:
Barry ask me lots of question about my powers, but I didn't have many answers for him.

Ronnie already defrosted and actually wants to help me get out of this mess.Which surprises me how much he still loves after what I did to him.

Ronnie's POV:
"Caitlin why didn't you tell me what was going on I could of help you" I said to her.

But she didn't answer she just looked at me with her blue cold eyes. Which kinda of scared me but I didn't care I will always love her.

And I wanted to prove to her, so I went up to her looked into her beautiful eyes and said to her.

"I love you Cait." Then I lightly kissed her to make sure she didn't back away and she didn't.

She kissed me back.

Cisco's POV:
"I found her at the frozen food warehouse not far from here." I said before pulling up the footage.

And there's we saw that Barry and Ronnie were alive and not harmed.

They were talking about how to clear Caitlin name and help her.Which confused me a little until I saw Ronnie kiss Caitlin and Barry look very jealous of it.

Frost's POV again:
Ronnie kissed me and I kissed him
back it lasted a while until Barry interrupted.

"Umm sorry to interrupt but is that camera supposed to still work, this place was shut down years ago." He said shocked.

"Damn it....Cisco" I only replied.

"Of course he hacked into it, can't you freeze it or something Frost" Barry replied angrily.

"No it's too high for my reach, also what your problem you agreed to help. So if I get caught you both do too" I replied back angry at them both.

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