2 Dates, One Mistake

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Barry's POV:
"How is Ronnie winning? What does he have that I don't"

"Caitlin's heart" Iris says.

"Yeah, your right.. it's just for a minute there I thought she loved me back. I really need to move on"

"You do... you really do need to Barry. I've known you mostly all my live and I know you liked her but you can't do this to your self"

I suddenly do something that I never thought I would.... I kiss Iris West.

Ronnie's POV:
I am getting ready for dinner with Caitlin but I have no idea what I am going to wear. I what everything to be perfect...like it used to me.

Caitlin's POV:
I am almost ready for my date with Ronnie I decided to wear my hair down with a few more curls then normal, red lip stick, with a long blue dress and black heels.

Caitlin's POV:I am almost ready for my date with Ronnie I decided to wear my hair down with a few more curls then normal, red lip stick, with a long blue dress and black heels

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I walk out of my room and see that Ronnie isn't ready at all.

"Why are you not ready, we have to be there by by 8pm and it's already 7:45"

"I know... I just don't know what to wear, maybe you can help me out."

"Sure, what are your options"

"Tux or leather jacket with jeans"

"Umm... I have to go with Tux"

"Ok help me with the tie"


After I help Ronnie we head to the restraunt where something unexpected happens.

We see Barry and Iris sitting across from each other at a table laughing. When Ronnie sees them he grabs my hands and begins to drag me out the door but not before Iris sees us. She then makes her way up to us.

"Hey guys, I didn't know you were coming here" Iris says.

Ronnie replies saying," Oh, yeah definitely but we have to leave now. We have a emergency to attend to"

"That sucks we wouldn't of mind sharing a table" Iris says sarcastically.

I started to wonder did Barry and Iris know that we were coming here or is it just a coincidence? Are they planning something or is it just all in my head? Is Barry upset about the whole Ronnie thing?

Next thing I know Ronnie and I are outside, without any warning Ronnie turns into Firestorm. I don't stop him because I'm just as angry as him which makes me turn into Killer Frost.

We both go inside and start killing people one by one, until the Flash cuts in.

"What are you two doing, are you crazy"

Ronnie then says, "This is your fault you couldn't just leave matters alone. You had to get revenge and now you'll pay the price.. FLASH"

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