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"LETS GO,LETS GO WE HAVE A COMPOSITION NEXT WEEK WE CANT MESS THIS UP" you yelled in the gym stressing everyone out and yourself. First things first you are the head leader of the cheerleading team. Okay back to the routine. You rubbed your head in stress as girls slip and fall.  Then gym door opened, then came in Ethan Dolan the Captain of the football team. He blushes as he walks to me. 

"Ay Alissa you guys gotta move we are going to practise here so yeah would you help" Ethan says looking down. "Okay first thing, ever herd about gum yeah I think you need it and we make your team win ever single game, now shit head hit the showers oh and say I said hi to Grayson for me thanks" I said as I shoved his binder into his chest making him move back a little bit. "OKAY BACK TO THE TOP" I yelled. 

Then I hanged my towel on my shoulder and picked up my binder and my water bottle. When I turned around I saw the principal and Ethan Dolan. "Miss.cook I have herd you kicked the football team out of the gym,is this true?" "You know what I am sorry for kicking  the football team out the gym, I was to late to go the gym because the football team was making fun of our cheerleading team and the only thing I can get revenge is to kicking them out" I said while I faked sobbed.

"Mr.Dolan is this true?" "No! she's completely lying" Then I started fake crying. "Yeah I don't think so Mr.Dolan" the principal left the gym. "HA you think you can out run me Dolan" I playfully punched his chest. Ethan left marching out the door. "Yo there a thing the marching band, you should join haha!" I yelled 

*bell rings*

"alright I'm out see you guys tomorrow" I waved to everyone then left.

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now