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I couldn't sleep at all. I was thinking about Ethan and how much he changed but wait he was always like that BUT ANYWAYS and Sarah. I can't believe Sarah had died so quickly. I held my tears back as Sarah made the greatest moments of my life. Holding back my tears as I remember the moments she made. but then my phone rang.
Me: "hello?"
Inanna: hey it's Inanna um are you ready for Sarah's funeral
Me: wait it's today?!
Inanna: but didn't I tell you?
Me: no you told me a 6 months ago well yeah I guess I could of got ready
Inanna: ok ok I'll just give you my papers because there is no way you can write like 3 full papers in under of 30 minutes
Me: yeah okay well I have to go now
Inanna: okay see you ther-
(Convo over)
I hanged up on her because my tears came rolling down my face. I couldn't stop like I always do. Then I got an text from Grayson. Are you kidding me?! He knows where I practice for soccer.
Grayson: hey met me at the soccer thing where you practice it important.
Me: why?
Grayson: it something personal
(Convo over)
I put down my phone and look for something black. I got out with my clutch and car. Duh. I drove to the funeral place. I met up with Inanna and Grayson.
"Hey guys" I say.
"Hey" Grayson says hugging me.
"Hey Alissa, here's my paper say  this when they call your name in about 1 hour" she says looking at her watch and  then walk in off.
"I so sorry about your fri- oh my god Alissa you look sick!" Grayson puts his hand on my cheek and rubs it with his thumb.
"I'm not sick I'm just not wearing makeup" I yanked his hand from my face.
"Oh sorry" Grayson looks down.
"Um do you have any idea where the restrooms are?" I say as I look around.
"Yeah you just go down the hall and to the left" Grayson says before I nodded and left. I walk down the hall and found the restroom. I went into it and put down the toilet lid. I sat on the toilet lid and put my hands on my eyes.
"Dear Sarah, if you can hear me please I'm so sorry what I did to you. I never should ever left you alone. I still do not get why you still come for me even though I hurt you before. I so sorry I wasn't there with you after want you did to me. You literally saved me. I just wish you were a miracle and never died. I love you and I'll never forget about you and no one will-" I got cut off by the knocking at the door.
"Alissa! It's Inanna it's time to say the speech!" Inanna yelled from the other side of the door. I stood up and wiped my tears away and patted my dress then I went out the door. I guess I made an entrance. I got where I'm supposed to say the speech.     I got out the paper, flatten it out and started reading it.
"Hello everyone, my name is Alissa Tate and I'm here to tell all of you why Sarah is so important to me. She's good. What I mean by she is good she's  wonderful, a classic, and simple just like the word good. Second, Sarah is out going, loving, funny full on amazing. She can take an crying baby into I don't know a mixed emotions feeling baby. Being full in amazing can be quite hard to be. But Sarah can nail it every single time. Creative, Sarah is creative. She could take pjs into a Coachella outfit. Last, she's unforgettable. I can't even believe it her funeral and also scared to forget about her. She's was my only friend in the entire world. She could be there when ever you needed her. I wouldn't even crying anymore if she's here. But now I feel like she's never there or here. I just love her being her. But for now I'll never regret every moment she created during my life." I look down and tears rolling down my face. I wiped them quickly as everyone stood up a clapped. I folded the pice of paper and walked down the aisle. I look at Grayson and he looked back. I left the place and got into my car. I got out my keys and money and threw my clutch on the ground. I started my engine and drove to my home and started to changing into shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt and drove back to where I practise for soccer and cheer. I lay on the filed looking at the sky. I herd foot steps coming forward to me. I quickly stood up to see who is was its Grayson.
"Hey" Grayson says sitting beside me.
"Hi" I look away.
"You forgot your mini bag" he says as he hands me my clutch.
"Yeah thanks and oh wait why did you wanted me to meet you here?"
"I don't know" Grayson giggles.
"Do you think I'm the reason why Ethan kidnaped me?" I asked.
"Um no why?"
"Because I did all of this all I did is made a fucking scene!" I yelled and stood up.
"Alissa it's not your fault" Grayson stood up.
"No Grayson it is my fault! At the party I acted like a total slut and made Ethan feel bad because he has feelings just like everybody else! I made him go crazy and he I don't know hired a man to kidnap me so he can fucking rape me! And then Sarah cared about me and what she did is to go find me! Then Ethan shot her you see your brother should of killed me instead!" I yelled and started punching Grayson in his stomach.
"Alissa Alissa! Stop please it's not your fault Ethan was always like that. He always loved you and never stopped talking about you! He wanted you to be his girlfriend! Alissa wake up this is not you" Grayson shook me.
"Grayson um I'm so sorry I said that" I dropped down to the ground. I fainted. I couldn't keep myself together. Grayson is right it's not my fault.....

A/n: soooooo fucking sorry for not posting for a long ass time. There's a thing about me that I can't make a promise. But thank you for reading this post. I hope I didn't make anyone cry. But I did hehe yeet.

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