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Grayson's P.O.V
"20 thousand dollars? Did I get it right?" Bentley says counting money.
"Yea.... yeah you go it right" I say looking at the money in his hands.
"Well here you go. You now what you tell your wife and your two kids that you love them no matter what and now need to be sad ever" Bentley says with a toothpick in his mouth.
"Yeh yeah of course" I say.
"Well I hope you and your wife luck through this season" he says I nodded. Ok five days ago before Alissa moved in with her dad I made a deal with this guy named Bentley. Bentley does his job a secretly. He helps people that are struggling with money but only when you are a parent and shit. I decided to lie and pretended that I was a parent who couldn't have a job. I still have more time to now what to do with my money.

*Alissa's P.O.V*
I put my phone down and started walking around town. I run into someone.
"Oh my gosh Alissa I haven't seen you in for ever!" A girl says. I walk up to her because I don't actually remember her.
"Um I'm sorry have we met?" I put a strand of hair behind my ear.
"What come on this a prank or something it's inanna remember?" She smiles.
"Uhhh no I really don't"
"Come on here let me see your phone" she says looking at my pockets and I have her my phone.
"You better not run off with my phone inanna" I say sarcastically.
"See look our messages remember how we talked before" she says shoving my phone in my face but not really.
"Oh look I remember Sarah she used to be my friend some how she stoped texting me do you know why?" I go on our conversation.
"Umm Alissa"
"Yeah what's wrong?"
"Sarah died months ago" I see inanna looking down.
"What!? How when why" I felt my tears were streaming down my face.
"She die because of Ethan, the person the kidnaped you" inanna looks up at me.
"Holy shit" I wiped my tears away.
"I now" inanna walks alway. I look behind me as inanna walks away. I just wanted to leave. My father was only my last resort. I ran to my dads house and slam the door when I got in the house.
"Alissa honey what happened?" My dad says coming up to me.
"Sarah's dead dad Sarah" I say with tears coming down my face.
"Oh baby no don't cry" My dad comes and hugs me.
"Dad I loved her"
"I now you did"
"Why did god had to be suck a dick and make Sarah die like I knew she was the only reason I'm relevant in the hell hole I call world"

"I know honey, I know and you knew that she loved you too. But some times you have to just remember that she's there and she'll be there with you through anything. For now you just have to forget about her. I know how hard that is to do even thought your at the age that you basically love everything except you know body figure, but you are loved by people that are surrounded around you just ask them about how you feel and such ok?"

"Ok" we let go of our hug and my dad rubs my head. I smile at him and I went into my room.
Two hours later
I lay there with my thoughts and with mattress that's on the floor. I look at the outside my window and that quickly reminded me of when I snuck out of my room just to go to a stupid party. I wanted to live somewhere else like the forest. Well that was all Grayson says. Oh my gosh I remembered that I used to ha e a huge crush on Grayson but bye butch I'm in love with Ethan. I got up from my floor and walked into the living room.
I see my dad looking on his phone.
"Oh hey honey how was You time by yourself" my dad smiled like he was bob saget. Although he looks like bob saget. Uh maybe he might be bob saget. Full house here I come.

"Pretty good, you?" I sat in the couch beside him.
"Yeah but can you help me how to download face book I can't seem to find Facebook on my settings"
"No dad you go on the App Store and search up Facebook and press get" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok thanks honey" he put in his reading glasses. Now he looks like the old version on bob saget.
I turned on the tv just watching some Disney shit. Until my phone rang. It was a call from Grayson.
The conversation
Me: hello?
G: you need to come out of your house right now
Me: wait what why Grayson stop it your really freaking me out
G: Alissa I'm not kidding get out of the house right now but don't bring your dad
Me: no Grayson if it's a shooter I'm going to hide
G: Alissa I'm not fucking around please come with me outside right now
Me: Grayson no I'm not just tell me what the hell is going on
G: Alissa I'm going to pick you up and we are going to somewhere you won't regret.
Me: whatever you say
Conversation over
"Sorry dad I have to go now love ya" I blew a kiss to him and went to get my shoes on.
"Don't have sex"
"And don't do drugs" me and my dad say at the same time. I rolled my eyes and got my shoes on. When I got my big ass feet into my small shoe I got out of the house. I see Grayson waiting in his car.
"Alissa" Grayson says waving to me from his car. I fast walked to over his car, I got into his car and looked at him.
"Damn you dressed up" Grayson says looking at me up and down.
"Shut up" I rolled my eyes. Oh yeah I like play dress up so I put on make up and a dress. I put my hand to my face look out the window of the car. I felt that Grayson pulled up to something I don't know it kinda shady.
"Grayson where are we?" I look around.
"Just come with me" he rolled his eyes and went out of the car. I got caught up with him.
"Hi we are here for this person" Grayson gave the front desk a picture I don't know what or who.
"Ok come with me" the lady at the front desk says and we follow her. We stopped at one point and she told us to go right a head. Me and Grayson go through a bage hallway. Well me and Grayson stopped at the entrance actually ten steps from the entrance of the bage hallway. I see two tall guys with heavy gear on. I swallowed the lump that was in the back of my throat. Then I saw him. In person.
Grayson's P.O.V
Three hours ago
I got the money from Bentley and he ran away. I tried to look for him but some how he actually disappeared. I shrugged and I leaned against the wall and counted the money and thinking what I should do with it. I tried to do something good for myself and for two other people. I drove to the police department. I went up to the front desk and put the money on the desk and said.
"Just keep the change" I say.
"Ethan right?" She says typing on the computer.
"Ok available for bail in two hours" she says looking at me.
"Thanks" I say and went out of the blinding.
Alissa's P.O.V
"Oh.my.god" I say. I ran up to Ethan as fast I could. I gave him the biggest hug.
"Oh how much I missed you being in my arms" I hear his husky voice. I pull away from him and kissed him right in the lips.
"Oh my god Ethan what happened?" I say as I strum my thumbs along his bruises on his face.
"My birthday present" he smiled at me and I hugged him again. I pulled away and walked up to Grayson with Ethan.
"Hey man" they both say and they both hug each other.
"E, it looks like your getting much bigger" Grayson says looking at Ethan's arms.
"Thanks man" he smiles.
"You guys want to stay in a hotel room for a while?" Grayson says looking at me and Ethan.
"Sure" me and Ethan say at the same time. We all got into Grayson's car and went to the hotel. The lady at the front was very lovely. Anyways we got in our room and lay with Ethan.
"I'm just going to get some food and I'll just leave you guys alone for a while." Grayson says and I smile at him and he leaves.

"Now since Grayson is gone and we are alone together maybe we could just-" Ethan says then kissed me for like I don't know like 10 seconds. I pulled away.

"Have mercy" I say and kissed him.
"I'll aways love you Alissa"
"And I do too"

Five years later
Ethan and I finally got married and after That we had two amazing children (isha is me tel the author.)
"Woah woah woah!" Alissa jumps in.
"Wait how did you get in here!?" Isha kinda freaks out. (isha is me yep the author.)
"I came in here because that's not how my story became with Ethan!" Alissa yells at isha

"Damn girl you don't gotta be all ruff and shit" Isha rolls her eyes.

"Well you better tell the real story" Alissa looks at you. "I can't believe that you read my whole story now if you want to see a second part of this story then vote"

"Wait Alissa who are you talking to?" Isha tries to look the person that Alissa was talking to.

"Your readers dumbass" Alissa rolls her eyes. Isha has had enough she taped Alissa to a chair.

"Now looks who's in the same position that's in chapter 3 or 2" Isha laughs at her.

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