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I woke up with a sheet and a Bennie supporting my head. I took off the sheet from my body and took the Bennie and stood up. I look around for Ethan but he wasn't with me. I shrug a went up stairs I go into the room with Ethan slept in I guess. "Hey Eth--" I was cut of seeing who's in bed with Ethan?!
*inanna P.O.V*
I left Raven's apartment, I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath in. "Finally I can go home AHH" I was scared by Raven. "Oh my god don't do that ever again" I turned around to face Raven.
"So sorry but I think I found Alissa!" She said before taking my hand and leading me back into her room. She showed me the place and how she found it.
"An old but small Walmart warehouse not for sale sold to Sean Dolan" I read the information page.
"What what hold on how did you find this?" I looked at Raven.
"I don't know I just press a couple of keys and BAM I found her location" she smiled. I flashed a fake smiled and Raven rolled her eyes.
"Ugh maybe tomorrow we'll get her" I got up.
"Wait don't you want to get your friend?" Raven questioned.
"Ah yeah she's probably having déjà vu with Ethan it's fine" I answered back.
"Okayyy if she's dead by tomorrow it anit my fault" she did the "drake hands" motion with her hands. I smiled at her and finally left her apartment and ran home. I quietly go into my house and I turn around I see my mom standing right there.
"It's a good thing I don't yell at you Inanna" my mom crossed her arms.
"Whoops sorry mom I won't do it again" I looked at her with the puppy dog eyes.
"Just get to your room" my mom snaps. I smiled at her and she smiled back and dashed to my room. I took out my homework and stared doing it. "Baby grind on me just relax just take your time on me" I sang with my phone. When I was finally done I shoved it all back of my backpack.
I got my phone and started texting Raven.
(A/n: R = Raven)
Inanna: hey
R: hi
Inanna: so what are we bringing to the thing?
R: knives, a phone and candy just for fun😆
Inanna: good I have all of those things
R: great
Inanna: tomorrow we'll get her please don't get a head start
R: I won't I cross my heart I'll hope you'll die
Inanna: I think it goes by I hope I'll die
R: I ain't having a death wish on myself
Inanna: but you put a death wish on me
R: okay okay this conversation is not all about you
Inanna: whatever
*conversation over*
I put down my phone and waited for nothing. I got gum from my bag and there's no gum everyone in my class took all of it. I threw the empty box of gum on the ground. I played with a pen for a while in a good way.
Then I forgot about an app called wattpad. There was this book called "kidnaped by Grayson" it's funny that Grayson is in this story but it's not really the Grayson Dolan like in my school. I wanted to get to the Walmart storage thing   So I got into my car with my mom noticing. I go into my car checking where the location is.
*skip car ride*
I pull up to the Walmart thing quietly. I get out of my car taking my phone with me. Going to take pictures for Raven just in case she got the wrong place.  I take pictures of the sides I look over to my left.
"Raven! What are you doing here?" I whispered/yelled.
"I was going to get Alissa now I say it sounds really bad" Raven looks in the distance.
"I told you not to" I put my hand on my hips.
"I know, I know I just thought you'll wake up late and forget all about Alissa" Raven said.
"Why I ever say that?" I crossed my arms.
"Says the one who always late to my classes?" Raven said crossing her arms.
"What ever just get in my car I'll drive you home" I rolled my eyes and headed to my car. I dropped off Raven. I got into my house and I herd my mom yell.
"YEAH THERE RIGHT HERE" I thew her keys and my mom winked at me. She got into her car and I just went into my fridge and nothing is in there that's why my mom left. "Ohhhh" I said nodding my head and closing the fridge door. I got on my couch and started watching the news it kept saying "missing girl the girl is Alissa Mary cook" I rolled my eyes and turned off the tv.

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