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I started shaking I couldn't stop it was the time I needed help.
*Ethan's P.O.V*
When Alissa left the room I looked at everything the plans about killing Alissa and stuff. I moved closer to the wall of plans and stuff. Then herd a scream a scream from Alissa. I ran to the room where the scream came from. I twist I the door knob but the door won't open. "ALISSA OPEN UP!" I banged on the door. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Alissa yelled back. I banged on the door over and over but Alissa won't open the door. I got so mad I just busted down the door down. I see Alissa in the corner, blood running down her hand, and shaking. I ran to her and curled up to her. "It's okay" I whisper to her. I could feel her shaking it's like I could feel her pain.
*Alissa's P.O.V*
Why is Ethan  close to me doesn't he hate me? "I TOLD YOU TO STAY TO FUCK AWAY FROM ME" I stood up I speed walked out the room. Before I could walk I stopped. Everything started twisting and turning then everything got blurry then everything single thing went black.
I woke up somewhere but I don't know where it was like a white room with me and my thoughts. I got up from the ground and look at my hands. My hands where all bloody actually my whole body was bloody  I was covering in blood. I got so scared I ran and ran until I tried to find some one or something. I stopped to catch my breath I put my hands on my knees and hanged my head down. I look to my left and I see Sarah. I run to her.
"Sarah? Sarah!" I slowly ran to her. Sarah looked at me and started running. "Sarah yo wait!" I slowly stopped running. The last time I saw her she turned a corner. Then I turned the same corner and I saw her dead again. Bleeding from her head and the pistol beside her. I walk over to her body I picked up the pistol. I looked at it then looked back at Sarah. Then there was cameras flashing lights and new reporters. "Did you kill Sarah?" A news reporter asked.
"Um...ah no I didn't kill her" I fidget with my fingers. "But you're covered in blood and you're holding a pistol. Are you sure you didn't kill her?" Another asked.
"No no you got it all wrong I would never kill my best friend" I looked around. "Killer best friend" I herd some one say but sounds familiar.
"Yeah Alissa did you kill Sarah? You're. Best. Firend?" And person cam out from the crowd. "Ethan? Guys there's the killer he killed my best friend!" I yelled. "They can't hear you Alissa matter in fact they don't want to hear you. They all believe you killed Sarah. They won't stop asking until you admit you killed her" Ethan smirking and crossing his arms.
"Mother.fucker" I looked at him in the eyes. "Haha Alissa you're one crazy girl" Ethan laughed. "What do I do now then cock sucker?" I crossed my hands "the only thing you can do for me Alissa is to wake up WAKE UP"
*dream end*
"WAKE UP ALISSA WAKE UP" Ethan said shaking me. I woke up from my dream? I don't what to call it anyways I woke up like I was desperate for air. Then when I woke up Ethan pulled me into a hug. I patted his back in confusion.
"I thought I was going to lose you" he whispered. I pulled away from the hug and stood up. "Why do you like me?" I looked down at him. "I just do" Ethan stood up. "What does that even mean?" I whispered before Ethan yet agin pulls me into a hug. I pushed him back to get off of me. I pushed to hard I made him bump him into the wall making a hole in the wall. "Sorry" I whispered to him before going out the door. I go down the stairs looking at the exit. I ran to the door that said exit. I twist the door knob and it opens there I see an car like a blue one it kinda looks like meah's Ethan's ex. I take deep breath in, finally fresh air forgot what it's like going out side a shit. I closed my eyes listening the wind blowing and the Birds chirping. Until the door slam shut. Ethan has his hand on the door "so sorry Alissa" Ethan says shoving a needle into my hip.....

Heyyyy guys sooooooso sorry for the long wait 😞 I just got my braces and they hurt like fucking hell. just well then feel like my mirror when ever I look in it😂 last but not least be who you is and spread love mwah 👌❤️✌️👍😘💖😎

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