17 (kinda dirty)

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"Shut up" Raven rolled her eyes I giggled. I was to busy with the computer until I got a notification from my phone says
Birth giver: Inanna I'm going to leave you with a warning
I rolled my eyes a turned off my phone.
"Yo I gotta go now see ya later" I got off of the computer and left waving to Raven.
*Alissa's P.O.V*
I fell to the ground holding my stomach. Ethan looks at me then walks away. I stay on the ground for a,good amount of time. Then I got up still holding my stomach. I look around really worried. I look behind me a twist the door knob. The door won't budge it won't open. This time I got more scared. I kept twisting the door knob I started to panic, I started body checking the door. The door won't open. I saw Ethan walking over to me. I looked at him and took a deep breath in.
"How many times have you tried escaping. Just stop you know you're going to get caught" Ethan says as he walks to me.
"Please don't hurt me" I said looking down.
"Did I already do that?" Ethan smirked.
"Just please" I look at him. Ethan had a creepy smirk on his face. Little thing I know I Ethan grabs me by the back of my neck a kisses me on my lips. I was so confused what to do. So I put my hands on his chest. He takes my hands and pins me against the wall with one arm and takes his other hand and grabs my hip. Then he pulls away. His lips and cheeks were so red.
"I forgot how I missed you baby girl" Ethan said biting his lip. I blushed before I melted in his arms.

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