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*Ethan's P.O.V*
I went outside to get some fresh air.
I was rubbing my head just realizing what I did. Then I herd a car pulled up to me, I look up and it's my ex girlfriend Meah.
"Hey babe" she said biting her lip.
"Meah can you go"
"Why, can't I stay here with you"
"Meah actually go away I'm not your boyfriend anymore don't you remember you cheated on me?!"
"Yeah I know but I don't like him anymore andddd I'm in to you Ethan so give me one more chance" she smirked.
"Whatever Meah just go away"
"No ee-te-we-tee" she got her lip gloss out and starts applying it.
"Meah I'm not fucking playing anymore,just get you and your shitty car out of here" I shook her.
"Ethan I'm not going anywhere I'll sit if I have to" she sat on the ground.
I gave her a hand so she can stand on her feet. I leaned in to kiss her. She kissed back I got her into the warehouse without breaking the kiss and not making Alissa noticing. I put her on the bed(that was in the warehouse) also not breaking the kiss, I took my shirt off then whispered into her ear "I told you to leave" I got off of her and ran to the gun and pointed at her.
"Ethan stop you don't want to do-" before she could finish her sentence I shot her. I put back on my shirt and peaked my head out the room.
*Alissa's P.OV*
I was looking down at my feet until I herd giggling and a voice from a girl. She said "Ethan stop you don't want to do" then I herd a gun shot A GUN SHOT. I started shaking trying to get out of the ropes. I fell flat on my side. Then tried wiggling out of the ropes this time and I got out. I got off the floor and ran to the nearest door I could find.
I turned the door knob and the door wouldn't open. I look back and I see Ethan walking over to me. I dashed to the Side. And dead end. I look to my left and I see a stair case. I go up the stair case and I ran to the room I found a bed a dead girl on it. I covered my mouth in terror.
I look behind me again Ethan was getting closer and closer. I didn't know what to do I don't want to go into the room with the dead girl in it. But I had to got into the room, I ran into the room trying avoiding the body. There was gun on the floor I picked it up as quickly as I can.
I pointed at Ethan "don't even get into the room"
"Alissa just put the gun down"
"Then tell me why you kidnap me? Or else you get another hole in your head" I put the gun against his head.
"That I can't tell you"
I pulled the triggered but nothing came out. I looked at the gun then at Ethan he stab me with a needle that put me sleep.
*Sarah's P.O.V*
"Wait why aren't you worried" my mom asked.
"Long story"
"Sarah do you want to look for her because like your free to look for her if only I'm with you"
"Umm" I fidget with my fingers.
"Sara, we have an important project to finish" Inanna said grabbing my hand.
"Okay I think I have a solution to find Alissa"
"Wait really Inanna, wait if this is a joke it's not funny" I crossed my arms.
"No I'm lying anyways check if Ethan's location is on"
"It's not"
"It looks like my job is done here I can't help any farther" Inanna said putting her backpack on her shoulder.
"Okay bye Inanna see you later but when you find a solution to find Alissa please call me"
"I'll try" she said as she left my house.
I sat on my chair with my hand holding my face and the other just tapping random keys on the keyboard.
"How am I going to find Alissa?" I said to myself. Then my computer started pulling up files and stuff I got scared I didn't know what to do and my computer just shut down great then I got a notification on my phone saying audio recorded and location Identified. I picked my phone up and it lead me to some where deep into my phone the location was at a abandon Walmart storage warehouse thing. I got on to google to search the Walmart storage warehouse.
I packed up my backpack with my things like a knife my phone and that's all.
"Honey where are you going?" My mom asked.
"Friends house" I said as I walked out of the door.
I took a deep breath and went into my car. I was looking for the Walmart storage warehouse I notice it wasn't very far. I walk in and what the fu-

Hey guys it's me again no I haven't gone away yet anyways thanks for reading this part on the story if you want you can comment vote and follow me if you're feeling a bit frisky well my time is here is done see y'all later ;)

Sarah that not will be the only thing you see but you'll see something a different side.

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now