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*dang we starting at Ethan's P.O.V?*
The police put the handcuffs on me and lead me to my cell where hopefully I'll meet my roommate? Cell mate? I don't know. I stop at my cell and the police undid the handcuffs and pushed me in the cell. They lock the door and start banging on it. I turn around there's guy with a jacked body, tats everywhere, taller than me and moving closer to me. It looks like he gonna pull some thing from his BACK NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER. He leads out a hand.
"The name is Kenny" he says as I shake his hand.
"Ethan" I let go of his hand. Kenny  goes back of his side of the room I guess and sits down on the bed.
"What are you in here for?" He asks.
"Killing two girls and kidnaping a girl" I say going to my bed.
"Selling drugs"  Kenny says. Then there was a bell that was ringing. To be honest to was really loud. That bell was for lunch or something, remember I'm still new. The doors open automatically and me and the guy left the cell and headed for the lunch room. But when I was walking to the lunch room thing I saw like teenagers at tables being yelled by other inmates. I got my food and joined Kenny at his table.
"Yo why are those kids getting yelled at?" I ask as I sat down at his table.
"There's this show called beyond scared straight, that means that kids who are bad come to here to get their ass back on track" he says with a pice of bread in his mouth. I look at the kids and take a bite out of my bread.
*Alissa's P.O.V*
I was going to take a shower because I haven't had one. So in nature I got in my bathroom and start striping down. I got an message on from Inanna.
*the convo*
QUEEN INANNA🙌😍👏: yo why aren't you in school?
Me: I'm not ready yet.
QUEEN INANNA🙌😍👏: well school is almost over
Me: yeah but I still have panic attacks and shit
QUEEN INANNA🙌😍👏: okay do what ever that makes you happy
Me: ily😫
QUEEN INANNA🙌😍👏: I gotta blast now see ya later, I'm getting in trouble by Raven
Me: wait who's Raven
QUEEN INANNA🙌😍👏: miss. Goodman gtg
Me: k bai
*convo over*
I put down my phone and look at myself in the mirror, where Ethan left love bites to my scars. I shook my head. Alissa you have to get in the shower you are starting to smell like one of those teenage mutant Ninja turtles I thought to my self. Anyways I hop in the shower taking a 20min shower actually. I got out and put on my pjs. I got on my phone again just strolling through Twitter. I came across this tweet 'seriously it's actually better with out Alissa in the school' I rolled my eyes and tried of my phone. Before I could leave my room I herd my phone ringing. Grayson was calling me.
*the call*
G: hey Alissa
Me: yeah hi?
G: sooooooooo anything from Ethan yet?
Me: Grayson, he's in jail there's no way I could contac-
G: we get to see him in a week!
Me: wait what how did you do all of this?!
G: little bit of snooping
Me: great!
G: so I was thinking..... Do you want to watch mean girls with me? There's this girl I really like now and she likes the mean girls the movie and she loves talking about it and I tried talking to her and all she talked about was the movie mean girls
Me: nah man I have plans
G: oh okay.....what are you doing?
Me: I don't know... Eating frozen dinner while watching the office and falling asleep on my vibrater
G: ew what!
Me: Grayson I'm just kidding
G: oh god, you sounded you weren't joking
Me: I know imma good actor or actress anyways I feel like focusing on myself right now. Talk to ya later
G: k byeeeeee
*end of the call*
I put down my phone and turned on some scary movies on cuz imma weird bitch.

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now