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We herd a door slam and we both looked at the same direction. Ethan came.
"What are you guys laughing about?" Ethan said looking at both of us.
"At your dumb ass face" I laughed.
"Play it cool" Sarah mouthed to me.
"Nothing" Sarah said.
"Seriously that's all you got?" I gave her a 'duh' face.
Sarah rolled her eyes. Ethan directly looks at Sarah.
"Lay a fucking finger on her you will look like that dead girl in your room" I gave him a death stare.
"Don't worry Alissa, I'm not going to hurt her" he said in a creepy laugh/giggle.
Ethan walks over to Sarah and pulls out a knife-A KNIFE I TOLD THIS MOTHER FUCKER NOT TO HURT HER HES REALLY A DUMB ASS. and he cut cuts the tape off her feet and hands.
He pointed a gun at her.
"Get out or else"
"Or what?" Sarah said.
"I will hire a hit man to kill you and get out and don't tell anybody"
"I'm not leaving until Alissa gets out with me"
I got really confused why isn't Sarah not freaking out.
Ethan pulls the trigger and misses Sarah.
"I don't want to kill you myself" Ethan still pointing the gun at her.
"Just go" I whispered.
I had tears in my eyes as Sarah slowly left the place. I started crying like controlling crying.
Ethan kneeled down to me and wiped my tears off my face.
"Why are you crying?" Ethan asked.
"Hey Inanna" I waved to her.
"Ugh it's you again" Inanna rolled her eyes.
"Yo Jenna you see that girl yeah she follows me where ever I go" she whispered to Jenna.
"I think she has a crush on you tho" she giggled.
Inanna and her friends laughed at me as they all pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach.
They finally left I slowly get back up and I started coughing up blood. I started limping to the bus stop.
I herd some one walking to me and kneeling to me.
"Hi..hi may I ask why are you crying?"
I look at him and wiped my tears away. "Yeah yeah I'm okay" I smiled.
"Oh okay I'm Ethan by the way" he let out his hand to shake my hand.
I shook his hand and when I was about to say my name the bus pulled up I ran to the bus and waved him goodbye.
*flashback over*
I looked at him.
"Hi Ethan I'm Alissa" I smiled.
"What?" He said confused.
"I'm crying because some one pushed me and kicked me"
"Alissa you're freaking me out what's going on?"
"Remember the bus stop. Down town?"
"Yeah what about it?"
"I..I remember you!"
"what what I don't get it"
"You actually cared about me!" I squealed.
"Yeah I guess I did" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"But why did you do this to me?" I mumbled.
"What was that?"
"I said why did you do this to me?!" I yelled.
"Because I wanted you"
"But you shouldn't do this to me. And you thought I'll love you"
Ethan had a face like he was defeated or something.
"Because like bitch there's other ways but not this" I said. I sat back in my chair looking around. Ethan took a deep breath in and stood up a walked away.
"Does he actually loves me? Do I love him?" I thought to myself.

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now