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I woke up I the floor where I last was at the door. Ethan hasn't moved me this time. I was surprised he hasn't moved me even though he's a weak ass pussy. I got up from the floor rubbing my head. I look around but everything is still blurry. I go upstairs. I see Ethan....
*Inanna's P.O.V*
I got so stressed out I couldn't find her. Anyways I put my backpack on and ran to school. Just in case I don't get kidnapped like Alissa. We had to gather up in the gym to announce that Sarah's dead. Anyways I go into the gym and everyone is on the bleachers waiting for me. They all look at me, I smile at them and speed walked to an empty seat.
"Anyways thank you all for coming out today our announcement is about the update on Sarah" the principal mr.Benson says. People make fun of him for being Freddie from icarly, Freddie's father. Anyways I rolled my eyes.
"The update on Sarah is..she's um...dead" mr.Benson says looking down. Everyone covers their mouths in shock. I look around to see who covered their mouths and I see Grayson the Grayson Dolan. That's Sarah's crush (a/n: please do not come at me I just put in the story only that Sarah has a crush on Grayson and Grayson has a crush on Sarah) I could see his eyes watering with tears I felt so bad for him even though he has a crush on Sarah.
"The the update on Alissa cook and Ethan Dolan is still not found. But for now stay safe and continue with your classes" mr.Benson said gathering up all of his papers and leaves the gym. I look at everyone and everyone looked at me cuz I was Sarah's best friend and Alissa's but that's what people think.
Everyone started leaving and then I started leaving also. I caught up with Grayson in the halls.
"Grayson wait! I feel so bad for you man it must be hard" I said patting his back. "I know right my crush is dead my brother is missing and his crush I just... Don't know what to do right now" Grayson looks down. "I know maybe you can come over to my house and we can talk about it Grayson I'm sure everything will be okay" I looked at him. "Thanks for the help Inanna but I don't need help right now I'm sure I can figure it out myself" He looked at me then slowly walks into his classroom. "But wait I want to help" I stopped him from going into the classroom. "Inanna! Sorry I just don't need help right now" Grayson says before he walks into his classroom.
I gave him a disgust look. Then Went into my class.
*During class*
I tapped my pencil the same rhythm as the clock ticks. Finally class is over I take all of my stuff and dashed out the door. But before I could leave the class I got stopped by my teacher.
"Inanna umm..... Do you know anything about Alissa or Sarah?" The teacher asked me.
"No but the only thing I know about Sarah that she's dead" I answered back.
"No Inanna you don't get it I'm Sarah's favourite teacher she tells me about what's going on what's happening and stuff. So me and Sarah are really close" my teacher explained.
"Um okay BUT I don't believe you who's Sarah crush?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Grayson" the teacher gave me a "get to the point" face.
"Alissa is the---"
"The head cheerleader of the cheerleading team Sarah plays the guitar your kind of a hacker" the teacher crossed her arms.
"Ugh fine, Sarah found out that Ethan kidnaped Alissa but actually I found it out anyways I left her house for unrelated reasons but some how she found out where Alissa is located and long story short she got killed by Ethan or somebody" I crossed my arms try so hard mocking my teacher.
"Thank you finally  the answer took a long time to get it out of you. But here's the plan I'm a full on 24/7 hacker I'm planing to leave this school for good that was plan B" (teacher's name miss.Goodman) miss.Goodman's whispered.
"What was plan A?" I questioned.
"Shooting up the place" she said getting two chairs.
"What the---"
"No time for questions now sit" she pointed to the chair. "Anyways I'll help you find Alissa I'll take down motherfucker that's in my way unless if you're in my way I probably move you out. Tomorrow me you met and the local drug store you'll come over to my  house I'll show how to locate Alissa and all of the crap. Is that all good for you?" Miss.Goodman said.
"Um okay thanks miss.Goodman" I raised my eyebrow.
"Please call me Raven" she shook my hand?
"You don't like me calling you miss.Goodman?" I asked.
"Nah Inanna I'm like 25 years old I'm not 40 and I get triggered of you call me by my first name and call you disrespectful" she giggled. I gave her a smile and left to go to my other classes

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now