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I walk in and what the fuck Alissa's is tied up and she has a black eye.
"Oh my god Alissa what happened who did this to you?!" I yelled.
"Sarah be quite he'll get you too" she whispered.
"Who's doing this to you?"
"I can't tell you"
I look down at her neck there hickeys all over it. I was surprised and disgusted who ever did this.
"Alissa who did this to you and you're going to answer this time" Alissa pointed behind me and looked in the right direction where she was pointing. I see Ethan covering my mouth with something that instantly puts me to sleep.
*skip to when Sarah wakes up*
*Alissa's P.O.V*
I watched as Ethan tied up Sarah. I was very emotional but I didn't cry because Ethan will make comment how I'm very cute when I cry. Ethan left I just stared at Sarah until she woke up.
"Alissa? What..where are we?" She looked around.
"Seriously Sarah I don't know" I looked around with her.
"I..I know we're..we're in a..a Walmart storage wear...warehouse" she was still sleepy.
"What how do you know that?!" I was surprised.
"Inanna" she looked at me.
Oh Inanna, that girl she have the biggest crush on Ethan she even told me their kids names.
I giggled.
"What's so funny?" Sarah asked.
"Inanna told me her and Ethan's kids name" I start giggling more.
"What she did?! Guess who's not close to her" Sarah giggled.
We both laughed for a minute or two then it was a awkward silent.
"Told you so" I looked at Sarah.
"Told me what?" Sarah looked at me.
"I told you he'll get you too"
"Shut up" she rolled her eyes.
We giggled again. Sarah is the girl that can make any situation funny even when we are held hostage.
"Don't you think we're going to get out?" Sarah asked.
"It's a fifty fifty chance" I smiled at her.
We herd a door slam and we both looked at the same direction. Ethan came....

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now