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*Alissa's P.O.V*
I woke up the same place I was in. I was so surprised that Ethan didn't moved me even though he's a weak ass pussy. I got up from the floor rubbing my head. I look around and there's Ethan reading a book he put his index finger on tongue then on the corner of the page flipping the page. He looks up at me he slams his book making me jump.
"Good you're awake" Ethan rolled his eyes a slams the book on the floor.
"Can you stop with the book?" I said mumbling and looking down.
"No no shut the fuck up" he became more furious by the second. I look at him then looked back at me feet. Ethan come to me a lifts my chin with his finger. The yanked his finger from my face. I looked down at my feet again. I could see Ethan walking back by he stopped in his tracks. He looks back at me a fast walks over to me and punches me in my stomach.
*inanna's P.O.V*
I woke up with homework all over my bed. I got up and quickly gathered all of my papers a shoved them in my bag. Today is the day I'm supposed to met raven my teacher at the local drugstore. I put my hair down, wore a big black hoodie I got from my brother before he went to collage and my backpack. I ran to the local drugstore so I don't want to get kidnaped. When I reached to the drugstore I saw raven.
"hey raven I'm here!" I yelled. Raven waved and walked to me.
"Hey gal so the plan is that we come to my house and do what we have to do to find Alissa" she said as she pulled me by my hand leading me into her car. I got in the passengers seat and raven sat in the drivers seat. She started the car and drove off to her house. I looked out of all of the buildings a such. Raven looked at me and looked at her and smiled.
*skip car trip*
I got out of the car and looked at her apartment. It was pretty obvious the apartment was so sketchy. I looked,at it for a while and raven leaded me in.
"So here it is this is where the show begins" raven said as she sat on the couch. I got into the apartment room a looked around until raven leaded me into the computer room. She had like a lot of computers. She grabbed me a seat and took a seat. Me and raven started starting doing our work finding Alissa.
"She's nearly impossible to her!?" I yelled.
"No it not maybe if believe in ourselves we can do it" raven said looking at me.
*two hours later*
"I told you so" I looked over at her

So sorry for the short chapter i took a break but when my friend saw this story sashes really got into it a told me to make more so yeah

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