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Does he love me do I love him those words kept running through my head. I couldn't get get them out of my head. It was so fucking confusing the first time I saw him I kinda liked him and I thought I would never see him again but eventually I forgot about him. But now I get to face him again this is the way I get to see him?! What is this mother fucker thinking, thinking he would kidnap a girl to notice her?! Seriously I hope he hates me and wants to kill me.
I hear footsteps anddd I know it's Ethan fucking Dolan.
"What do you want Ethan" I rolled my eyes.
"So I have been thinking about what you said the other day. So I decided-"
"TO LET ME GO!" Interrupted.
"No I decided to kidnap your friend again" he laughed. I look to my left and there is Sarah.
"You've have to be fucking kidding me" I looked at Ethan.
"I had I Doctor check up and the doctor shove a big old needle into me and I find myself in here. Again." Sarah said.
"Sarah who puts a needle into someone for a doctor check up?" I looked at Sarah.
"Well I didn't know?!" She leaned in.
"You know you're such a dumbass" I rolled my eyes.
"Oh shut up" Sarah rolled her eyes.
Me at Sarah just had a mini argue and we both looked at Ethan. "Just kill me already" me and Sarah both said at the same.
"Haha I'll think about that" Ethan laughed then walked away. We both looked at each other then looked away. "Ever trying escaping?" Sarah asked. "Oh please ever trying stop talking to me" I looked at her.
" okay geez I was just asking" Sarah mumbled.

Okay soooo sorry for the short ass part I'll promise this time I'll make more longer (ha that's what she said) parts. Don't forget to vote comment an follow me if you're feeling a bit frisky okie bai now 👋

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now