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*Alissa's P.O.V*
The doctors came in rushing and checking my eyes with their stupid flashlights. And then I saw my therapist come in and sat down on the chair. I just started at him as the poke needles into me. After the doctors were done the left and it was just me and my therapist.
"So-" I cuff of my therapist.
"Why are you here?" I ask in a monotone voice.
"Woah easy there cow girl I didn't even say anything" he put his hands up.
"Why are you here?" I still said in a monotone voice.
"The hospital called me and said you were acting out" he says. Wait what? I wasn't act weird.
"The fuck therapist! You're lying I didn't act out for shit" I kinda yelled.
"Woah clam down! Let me explain to you. The doctors said after you fainted some how you almost went brain dead anddd you have really bad flash backs that means your brain will trick you that your flash backs are real. And I told you that my name is John." My jaw dropped. So I'm going to have really bad flash backs.
"Shit what happens if I have flashbacks when Ethan kidnapped me?" I was getting more worried.
"Um well....I don't know but the doctors gave you medicine that will make your flash back go away or something. They were once was anti-depressant pills but they were from 2004 but somehow they work for what you have" he says giving me the pills. I took it from him and looked at the bottle. It says 'Lisa Walters' ugh this is supposed to be for somebody else. I nodded and held on it.my therapist/John went out of the room giving me some space. I checked my phone and there was non-stop calls from my mom...
*Grayson's P.O.V*
"Yeah now she has really bad flash backs" I told him everything why Alissa wasn't here with me.
"Damn" Ethan looks down.
"I know"
"I'm such a horrible person." He starts crying. I look up at him worried.
"Ethan we're twins! If you cry I'll start crying" I say.
"Grayson you don't get it! I am a horrible person I just threaten a person well that's not that bad but I gave the girl of my dreams living nightmares. I love her"
"Ethan I want to agree with you" I look down.
"So you're saying that I don't love her?!" He yelled.
"Yeah I guess"
"Dick" Ethan for up from his chair and threw the phone on the counter then left. I put the phone down and left the police station. I started driving to the hospital to see Alissa.
"Hi um I here for Alissa" I say to the fro t desk.
"Yeah she's down the hall" the lady said pointing to the side of her. I nodded and went to go look for Alissa. I go into the place where she was.
"Alissa?" I say lightly knocking on the door.
"It's open!" She yells. I go in and see Alissa on her bed. "So did you go see Ethan?" She asks.
"I thought you wanted to do that?" I say preferring to a vine.
"Haha you were wrong"
"Well that's an old vine"
"Old but gold" she says getting up from her bed.
"So.... When are you getting out?" I ask.
"Tomorrow" she sounded very excited.
"No wait really?!" I say.
"Yeah, I'm sooooo excited" she steals. "But I have to go with my stupid therapist" she rolled her eyes.
"Well I don't find that really bad?"
"No it is really bad because he's super annoying " she rolled her eyes again.
"Oh well" I smile at her.

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