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"Grayson?" She runs her eyes.
"Alissa! You remember me" I went up to her.
"Yeah? No. One of the people just told me who you were and I just assumed you were him or her" she adjusted.
"Oh yeah okay then" I look down.
"Wow you think that I would forget such a thing like you" she giggles.
"Wait what I don't get it"
"I remember you, you idiot" she smiles.
"Alissa that's great!" I went up to hug her. I herd a door open. I look behind me and its Inanna.
"Alissa!" Inanna runs to her and pushes me out of the way.
"Oh man I miss you girl. Are you doing okay?" Inanna pulls away.
"Yeah, yeah Im totally fine" Alissa smiles.
"You realize that you didn't actually read the stuff I wrote for you" Inanna says.
"Wait what? You wrote something for me? If you did I don't remember reading it." Alissa looked very confused.
"What? You do Remember that it was Sarah's-"
"Inanna that's enough right now" I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and nodded then left.
"Grayson please tell who the actual hell is that girl?" She looks at me.
"What? Inanna. The girl that just came in?" With my hand and thumb I pointed behind me.
"Inanna? That's the girls name? I really like her name and yeah can you tell me who is she?"
"Well shit" I say. "Here's your phone try to go on your messages and see your texts and see if you see anyone that you remember" I say handing her phone.
"Oh thanks" she smiles.
*Ethan's P.O.V*
"Ethan!" Kenny shook me.
"What can be so important right now?" I stood up and rubbed my eyes.
"Yo remember when you said Matt fucks his own mother on thanks giving?" Kenny sounded kinda worried.
"Ye....yeah what about it?" I yawned.
"He wants to fight you in the yard" he puts his hand on my shoulders.
"Dude, just tell him I'll do it later but right now you just woke my up in the middle of a good dream.
"Ethan! He wants to fight you now"
"Whatever" I plop down back on my bed.
"He called your kidnaped victim Alissa that she was cunt old whore hag who only has sex with you for only five bucks"
"Where the fuck is he?" I stood up in anger. Me and Kenny walked into the yard where is met up with Matt. Matt was the same height as me with tattoos covering his whole body. He's a old one. He's 44 I told ya he was an old one. He got in jail for selling drugs inside his 2005 flord car and selling 'em to kids that were 12 to 16. He just looks like a crazy person.
"Hey look it's downtown hill Billy" Matt says then everyone laughing.
"That was a funny one Santa Claus" I say before the inmates stared yelling oooo.
"Okay listen here you whore picking up fuck you can tell every single person how ugly I am but there's gonna be something bad about you that's gonna stay" Matt got close up of my face.
"What ever you say mommy-fucker" I say smiling at him.
"Oh and that Alissa girl yeah bad person she looks just like whore" he says.
"Haha you're cute listen here Matt-fuck come up to me with your black teeth and say something about a girl I beat you to the ground until you see your blood running away from you. I will kill you. I will kill you until I get my death sentence that I really deserve. So get you fat ass into your cell and don't come close to me." I took my tooth pick out.
"Did you just threatened me?" Matt raised one eyebrow.
"Yeah. Watch'a gonna do about it" I smile at him than started walking away. Then some one threw a rock at me and I turned around.
"Bring it bitch" I smile at him and ran up to him putting my hands round his neck. He used his hand punch me in the face and I fell to the ground. He gone on top of me and started punching my in the face leaving marks on it. I got him off of me by pushing him. I got one of those metal trays and hit him on the head. He fell straight back down on the ground. I got his collar and started punching him repeatedly. Then I made him unconscious then he fell to the ground. One of the police people came into the yard and shot a Bullet into the sky.
"EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND NOW!" Yelled one of the police people. I got on the ground with my hands on my head. The. To my surprise a guy grabs my arm and leads me to a nurse where I got my face banged up and stuff like that. I told her what happened.
*Grayson's P.O.V*
"Oh cool I now who Sarah is." Alissa smiles at me then goes to a sad face.
"Alissa stop what?
"stop! Stop it!" She started yelling.
"Alissa stop what? Please you have to tell me" I put my hands on her shoulder.
"Don't fucking kill her she's my friend you bastard! I want you dead you!" She started crying I didn't know what to do.
"Alissa! Stop it cut it out tell me what's going on?!" I shook her.
"Ethan! Don't kill Sarah! I love her!" She started yelling and screaming. She's having one of her flash backs. Inanna comes running in. I mouthed to her I don't know what to do. But then before I could do anything Alissa stopped the screaming and crying. She just stopped and started at the wall. Then the doctors came in and told me and Inanna to go home. I nodded and started walking to the parking lot.
"Hey need a ride?" Inanna asked.
"Nah man I good"
"Ok? Anyways what happened to Alissa she seems to be very weird" she looked at me confused.
"Long story" I said going into my car.
"Oh yeah happy birthday by the way" Inanna says.
"Oh thanks" I smiled at her then went into my car. I wanted to met Ethan again after 6 months because he still might be lonely after all of that. I started driving to the police station. I got into the police station and did all the bull crap I have to do. I sat where I'm supposed to met Ethan. I looked down and didn't realized that Ethan has all ready came.
"Oh my god Ethan what happened" I looked at him very worried.
"I got into a fight" Ethan says touching his bandages.
"Oh that must be very horrible" I looked around him.
"Yeah not the right birthday present I was looking for" he laughed a little bit and I laughed with him. "Anyways where's Alissa?"
"Long story man"
"Oh come on let's hear it"
"Ok then you asked for it"

Okay it's the Dolan twins birthday and their turning 18!!!1!!!1 I kinda of excited because it's not my birthday but not right not because thats irrelevant. So don't forget that it's their birthday 2day. And last but not least be who you is and mwah-BUT WAIT I want to do a Q&A type stuff so yeah ask so burning questions that you want me to answer and now I can say mwah😘😝😛🤗😏😇😁

Just wait for it when Betty actually sings happy birthday🔼

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