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*five days later*
*Alissa's P.O.V*
I'm was finally out of the hospital so I'm just chilling on my couch.
"Do you want Mac and cheese honey?" My dad asks. I forgot that I had to live with him because my mom lost custody of me and my dad desperately wanted me to live with him.
"Hey babe" my dads boyfriend came into the house. And yeah my dad is gay that's why my mom and dad got a divorce. "Hey kiddo" dads boyfriend rubbed his hand on my head and I smiled at him.
"Hey Ben" my dad said giving his boyfriend a peck kiss on the cheek. I looked at my dad and I put my hand into a from of a gun and I put it to my head.
"Well I have to go to work see ya guys in the morning" I got up and I got my uniform from my room and headed out the door. I work now because I want to raise enough money to bail out Ethan. Well me and Grayson are. Anyways I walked all the way to McDonald's.
"Alissa? I'm I dreaming or is that really you?" I herd Grayson yell. I turn around and smiled.
"Yeah it's Alissa don't cream them pants" I put my hands on my hip as Grayson laughed and ran up to me.
"So I been thinking. We should go out on a date?" He looks at me and I look at him.
"Fuck no-"
"Alissa a friendly one it's like we're not together or anything"

"Find whatever but your paying the food or something" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes" I herd Grayson whispered.

*7 hours later*
I got out of McDonald's and I got a text from Grayson.
*the convo*
G: hola
Me: hola mama Sita
G: so are we still on for that date??
Me: yeah
G: ok great
Me: so where are we going?
G: I'm thinking goodwill
Me: wait really?😂
G: yeah I've herd that they have really good clothes there well that was said by someone
Me: k whatever see you there
G: k see you there too sweet stuff
*convo over*
I put my phone in my back pocket and began walking.

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