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*Inanna's  P.O.V*
I rushed to my computer but first I put in five bucks in the cussing jar. Then I rushed to my room I still had a copy of Alissa's voice from that call. First I herd Ethan's beautiful voice INANNA KNOCK IT OFF I hit myself on the side of my head. I never typed so fast on my keyboard. Anyways got Alissa's voice got papers. No no no I can't find where Alissa is. I ripped the paper in stress.
*Alissa's P.O.V*
I walk into a room and had the biggest shock of my life. There's my picture and a x over it and it said 'kidnap or kill target award 100,00' I covered my mouth in shock. Ethan walked up to me.
"Hey Alissa what are you looking at-" he got cut of when I look at him.
"ETHAN ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" I yelled with tears coming out of my eyes.
"No no Alissa this is not what it looks like" He looked around the room. "THIS IS ALL ABOUT MONEY?!" I cried more.
"But don't you see I love you Alissa" he wiped my tears away. "I wished I died with Sarah" I yanked his hand from my face and stormed out of the room. I went into to the room with the two beat up lockers. I closed the door and locked it. I ran to the corner, sat down and pulled up my knees up to my face a started crying.
This it I 100% hate Ethan, starting back at base one. I got up from the corner and look at the side of me. There was a window. I punched the window and screamed so loud not even caring what Ethan thinks. I look at my hand and all of my knuckles were bleeding. I was shaking I couldn't stop it was the time I needed help.....

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