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*ayy still Inanna's P.O.V*
I turned off the tv and then did my night routine shit I sound like a beauty vloger. I crawl into my bed and not being able to go to sleep. For like two minutes I couldn't take my mind off of catching Alissa. I would be famous everybody will know me as Inanna the girl who saved a two day long kidnapped girl. I sat up on my bed looking at my closet thinking should I get Alissa. You know what fuck it I'm doing it. I got dressed in black ripped jeans and a crop top that says purpose on it what I like Justin bebier. I called Raven.
"Get your ass out of bed we're getting that girl" I said like straight to the point.
"Wait what I thought we are getting her tomorrow?" I could hear that Raven is sleepy.
"No honey after this day I want Fox News all up in my face. Well I have to go now when I see you are out of bed"
I got my keys and went into my car and drove as fast as I could. Finally when I pulled up to Ravens apartment she got in.
"Woah woah where are we going?" Raven says trying to put on her seat belt.
"We are going to the police station" I turned a corner. When we pulled up to the police station I got in.
"May I help you?" The woman at the front seat asked.
"Ah yeah hi I'm found a solution to find Alissa cook" I put my arm on the desk.
"Okay" the woman picks up the phone.
"Yeah rob someone wants to see you" the woman says before putting down the phone.
"When he'll see you in a bit just sit down there" the lady points at one chair that connected to the wall. Me and Raven looked at each other before racing to gets the seat.
*ayy we back at Alissa P.O.V*
"Ethan!" I yelled.
"Alissa! It's not what it looks like" he got up from the bed.
"Ah yeah I hope the fuck not who is that?!" I pointed to the girl in the bed with Ethan.
"Alissa just get out of the room and we'll figure this out" Ethan said as I looked to the right, there's the gun that he used on Sarah!. I picked it up and pointed at Ethan.
"You get out of the room then I'll get out" I followed him as he left the room. I silently close the door still pointing the gun at Ethan.
"Alissa we're back in this position just put down the gun" Ethan says looking at the ground then at the gun.
"You realized that the back thing is up right? If I pull the trigger nothing happens" I said.
"Yeah yeah I notice that but just put the gun down" he said. (A/n: they are down stairs I'm just saying)
I slowly put the gun down in the middle of me and Ethan. It's just me and Ethan facing each other with our hands up.
*ayyy Inanna back it again with her P.O.V*
"The sherif wants to see you now. He's down to your left." The woman said pointing behind her. I nodded and went into the sherif's office.
"Hi I'm Inanna" I shook his hand.
"Hello I'm officer petterson" he said.
"Yeah I'm here to tell you that Ethan kidnapped Alissa. As you can see that I have retraced Sarah's you know the girl that died? Anyways I got the last call from her phone and it sounded like Alissa in the back round saying help Ethan kidnapped me! But my friend Raven found her like where Alissa is located and bloop bleep we found Alissa. So the whole things is that we found Alissa and we found out that Ethan kidnapped Alissa" I said officer petterson jaw dropped.
"Are you sure this is all true?" Officer petterson said raising one eye brow.
"Yep" Raven said.
"Okay I'll have my workers to their job just lead them where Alissa is" he said gathering all of his papers and opening the door for us to leave.

A/n: okay guys what do you think about this chapter I'm so sad that this book is all most ending. Anyways I have new books out one of them is called cheated and Grayson Dolan fanfic, bullied also a Grayson Dolan fanfic and I'm working on a book called killer and Ethan Dolan fanfic. Well vote, comment, share, and follow me if your felling a bit frisky byeeeee 👏😘✌️✌✌✌

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