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*the day they get to see Ethan*
I was at my therapist again. I'm just sitting here waiting for therapist, he so fucking slow to get his ass over here. I start tapping my foot rapidly over and over again. I look at my watch cause I'm supposed to see Ethan and like 8:48 it's 8:42 right now.
"Fuck it" I say to my self. I pick up my bag and run out the door.
"Hey!" The therapist yelled, poking his head out the door.
"I have to go!" I yelled back. I turned corners and find myself at my house.
"Grayson!" I yelled at him. I got into the passenger seat in Gray's car.
"Why are you panting?" He ask as he backs out of my house.
"Are you kidding I had... To run...over....here because.... I had... An appointment" I said taking short breaths. Grayson nodded and started driving on the streets.
*skip the car ride*
Grayson finally pulled up to the jail thingy. We got out and enter the police department, I'll just call it that for now. Anyways we entered and I feeling about to puke.
"Aye what's up baby girl" I herd an inmate say to me in my ear.
"Let's go James" the police said.
Me and Grayson walk up to the desk.
"Hey we're here for Ethan Dolan" I say to her.
"Yeah he'll see you in a bit. Just take a seat" she said in a monotone voice. She pointed to the only single chair. Me and Grayson looked at each other, we face whoever gets to get the seat. Of corse Grayson wins. About we waited ten minutes until a person lead us to Ethan, like a phone booth thing. Me and Grayson sat in two seats and waited for Ethan to come.
I look down still with the phone to my ear. I look up and Ethan's walking over to the booth and pointing and laughing at everyone. Ethan sits down and picks up the phone and puts it to his ear, still not noticing that I'm here.
"Ethan!" Grayson says to the phone.
"Oh my god, Alissa what are you doing here?" Ethan says looking at me.
"I just wanted to see you" I gave him a sweet smile.
"Alissa... I don't want you here" Ethan take a heavy deep breath out after he says my name.
"Ethan don't say that"
"Alissa I mean it. I hate you I just wanna die. my fucking family doesn't even support me. You hate me right now I don't even know why you're even here. I probably scared you for life. All I did was a bad choice and I hate you no not like you or love you" Ethan yells.
"Ethan-" I said but I got cut off by Grayson.
"Alissa, to be honest he's right"
"But...but I love you" I say.
"What!" Grayson and Ethan say at the same time.
"I don't what you to ever come back" Ethan says.
"Wait Ethan" I say as Ethan throws the phone on the wall and storms out.
"Dick" Grayson whispers to himself as he angrily hangs up the phone. I just sat there looking down still with the phone to my ear.
"Alissa! Let's go! Alissa! What ever you're walking home" Grayson says walking out of the police department. I shook my head and hung up the phone then I got out of the police thingy. I put in my bag and started walking home. I felt very depressed while walking cause I felt like nobody ever loves me anymore. To be honest I couldn't believe that Ethan is staying at the jail thing for 30 years, he can be 60 till then! But it's whatever. Someday I'll get him out. I got an notification from my phone, it was from Inanna.
*the convo*
QUEEN INANNA😫😍: hey are u going to Sarah's funeral?
Me: wait what she's have her funeral!
QUEEN INANNA😫😍: k chill I like told you like an hour ago
Me: shit I forgot I had to turn off my phone
QUEEN INANNA😫😍: for what?
Me: unrelated reasons
QUEEN INANNA😫😍: Ok? But like if You want to you can come Sarah's mom desperately wants you there and me some how
Me: yeah I'll think about it
QUEEN INANNA😫😍: and you also have to write about three paragraphs for the speech HA SKRRRRRT
*convo over*

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