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*can't get out of Alissa's P.O.V*

"so the last thing that you remembered was Ethan asking you if you loved him? correct?" my therapist says. 

"yeah" I said fidgeting my fingers. The therapist look at his papers again. 

"I love him" I mumble. 

"What was that?" he looks up at me. 

"I love Ethan. I can't I didn't have the time to say that to him I'm such a dumb ass I bet Ethan hates me" I yelled for some reason. 

"oh come one he doesn't hate you he loves you and I know that, Ethan knows that you know that" he smiled. 

"but.. never mind" i said getting up and grabbing my back-pack. 

"well see you again later" he says leading me to the exit. 

"Yeah see you later" I flashed a fake smiled at him and left the building and waited for Grayson. I could hear the song don't from across the street I just assumed it was Grayson. Grayson pulls up to me. 

"Sup cutie" Grayson says unlocking the back door of his car. 

"wow really you'er starting with the names" I smiled at him as I got in his car. It was just awkward amount of time. 

"Grayson" I say. 

"Yeah" he says looking at me from the front mirror. 

" I want you to take me to Ethan" 

"What do you mean" Grayson says with a confused look. 

"I mean by I want to--"

"Yeah yeah i know you want to see Ethan but why,  didn't he kidnapped you? you have freaking panic attacks" he interrupts me. 

"Yeah but I love him some how" I say back. 

"okay I'll what I can do" grayson says as he pulls up to my house. 

"Well good give me a call on snapchat I ain't givin you my phone number" i say getting out of his car. 

"Okay see you later sweet stuff" Grayson says making that tick noise with his mouth. I smiled at him and went into my house. 

"MOM" I yelled. I walk around the rooms until I reached into the kitchen. There's a note on the fridge saying. 

"Hey honey I went on a trip with grandma. jk i'm by myself i'm in cuba I hope you get better when i come back!"

I roll my eyes as I read it. I walk into my room where there was caution tape around it . I jump on my bed where i squeeze everything in one place. I when I stop being like a child I got up  and left my room. 

I sorry this is a short chapter I didn't have a brain to think some ideas at the moment well thanks for reading i mean watching wait no i mean reading this chapter i hope you guys stay tuned in for more chapters and last but not least be who you is and mwah 

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