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You woke up with your eyes covered. You were so scared you started moving trying not fall off the chair.

where the hell am I?! you said in your head

then you started hearing a song echoing (you can play the song on top)

You looked around, oh yeah nothing cause your eyes are covered

*Sarah's P.O.V*

When I got home I called Alissa. She wouldn't pick up, I called her 7 times already.

So I deiced to call her mom.

Sarah:umm hi is Alissa there?

Alissa's mom: Yeah she's upstairs studying all day,I'll get her for you ALISS-

Sarah:NO wait it's fine, umm she asked me for help and I was at the library so she climbed out the window and met up with me in the library

Alissa's mom: okayyyy can you tell her not to do that again and tell her to come home quick the neighbourhood gets weird at this time

Sarah:You got it!

Then I hung up, Shit shit what to do, what to do I said walking back and forth. Then I called every one who went to the party. I asked then all "did you guys see Alissa walk out of the party?" Everyone said no that gave me the chills.

Okay who was she with before she left, Oh! Ethan grant Dolan, There!

I called Ethan

*Alissa's P.O.V*

you could still hear the song, This gave you the feeling you were about to vomit.

Then the song stoped. Now you could hear footsteps, you were about to knocked this person out if he/she gets close to you.

YOU FUCKING BITCH I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL YOU ASS CLOWN you as loud as you can until you feel light head

"Hey Alissa" The person said with a creepy laugh

"YOU'RE THAT ETHAN DOLAN BITCH, I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING UP WITH YOU!" you said hopefully you're yelling in his face.

See who got you no- Ethan was cut off by a phone rigging.

*Ethan's P.O.V *

The hell who can be calling me at this time You thought to yourself, how munch you were mad you answered the phone.

Ethan: hello

Sarah: Ethan!, um any chance did you see Alissa walk out of the the party?

Ethan: No, why do you ask?

Sarah: Because, Alissa left the party and I tried calling her lots of times but she wouldn't answer anddddd you were the last person she was with

SARAH? HELP ETHAN KIDNAPPED ME- I covered Alissa's mouth

Sarah:Ethan is that Alissa?!

I hung up on Sarah fast as I could.

*Alissa's P.O.V *

"Excuse me miss I was talking on the phone, you interrupt people when their talking on the phone, I think you need a punishment".

I was so in shock when Ethan said that I got so scared about what he is going to do with me, I started crying.

kidnapped//E.D//  |COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now