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*the next day*
I got ready for Grayson's date I guess. I put on sweat pants and a collage sweater and put my hair into a messy bun.
"Well you look better" my dad says from the couch.

"Thanks" I smiled at him.

"Where are you going?"
"Oh I'm just going to goodwill" I point behind me with my thumb.

"Oh cool call me when you come back" he smiles and I left.
I ran to the nearest goodwill. I stoped at like i don't know like a dunk and donuts. I called Grayson.
The convo
Me: hey
G: hi
Me: so
G: oh I have to cancel
Me: seriously!?
G: yeah I'm so sorry I wouldn't do this again
Me: what do you mean you won't do this again?
G: remember we are not together or something
Me: right yeah whatever
G: so about Ethan-
Me: no I can't talk about Ethan
G: sorry about that
Me: no problem
G: well I have to go now I have to do something important
Me: ok see you later
G: bye
Convo over
Grayson's P.O.V
I put my phone in my back pocket and looked behind me. Wait I actually needed my phone. I put my hood over my head and started walking. I was waking for quite while now but it's for a good cause. I tried to look for the location that the guy gave me. I look up and I see the street sign.
"Rush street not fjiman street dumb ass" I whispered to my self. I turned around and tried to look for rush street. I feel like shit for what I'm doing. I look behind me because I'm not supposed to do this.
"Oh my god if Ethan knew that I'm doing this he's going to beat my ass" I whispered to myself. I ran so I could get to the right street.
I got into a dark ally way.
"Hey Bentley?" I yelled at the guy that was drinking a beer.
"Grayson? I thought that nobody is going to find me" the guy turns around and he smiles at me.
"What should I call you?" I put my hand in my pockets.
"Anyone, call me anyone" he says coming closer to me.

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