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I couldnt stop smiling until I got home. My mom was standing in front of the door. "Why are you late?" my mom asked, "Do you remember I have cheerleading, now I have a party to go to" I shoved my mom to the side. "No you are not going anywhere, I know you don't have homework but I have my own". 

"fuck" I wispered "did you say something" my mom said raising her eyebrows.

"Nah" I rushed up to my bedroom. I checked my phone, there was non stop texting people saying are you guys party and shit like that. 

I typed in the group chat "I ain't going, I gotta do homework. Grayson texted just sneak out, okay i'll try. 

I locked my bedroom door then got ready for the party duh. I slowly opened the widow, then climbed out of my room. It's a good thing Grayson got his location on, wait why is that a good thing? never mind.

I knocked on the door and Grayson answered it. "hey" I said blushing

"hey look its football kicker  haha" Grayson said laughing "what is that my new nickname?" My cheeks turned more red. 

*Ethan's P.O.V*

I started walking past he door and there I see is Alissa and Grayson-WAIT IS GRAYSON FLIRTING WITH AILSSA! I walked over to Grayson and Alissa. 

"Hey um guys the party in inside not each others  eyes" Grayson laughed a little bit but Alissa rolled her eyes and went inside bumping my shoulder.

"Bro why are you flirting with her, you know I like her" I said smacking the side of his head

"well one of us is going to get her and you know everything is not about you" Grayson said waving his finger in my face.

"God" I walked away

*Alissa's  P.O.V* 

Yo why does Ethan ruin everything. I met up with my friend Sarah (the creator of cringeDolan on insatgram) "Hey girl,I herd you kicked the the football players out the gym" Sarah said laughing. 

"Well yeah and who is spreading out this information?" I asked her 

"Oh,Grayson is" Sarah tried talked over the loud but good music. "what really" I asked confused. 

I never  k new that Grayson was a big gossiper . Then I left Sarah, I walked over to the snack table, what I'm hungry. 

I see Ethan walking over to me, you've  got to be kidding me I rolled my eyes and just deal with it.

" Hey, would you like to dance with me" Ethan asked " save it scumbag" I rolled my eyes.

I decied to leave the party,so I started walking home. I was just talking to my self, you know just talking about Ethan and how a dumb ass he is. 

After I let out all of my anger out I herd footsteps behind me, I just thought my mind was playing games on me. I started walking faster, faster and faster but I could still hear foot steps behind me. I looked behind me and no one was there. I turned back there was a guy in a ski mask, I started walking backwards then face the other way and started running. 

"WHY THE FUCK  YOU SON OF BITGHPTFRIVUS" my mouth was covered by a cloth that instantly put me to sleep.......

Author's note: 

holy shittt what happens next is this the part that Alissa gets kidnapped! well it looks like it is-OH WELL thank you watching I mean reading this part. oh if you don't know who sarah is she is the creator of cringe dolan go follow her on instagram and no  she is not my friend but i wish she is ANYWAY bye.....

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