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It's been a total of ten days that we've been in the U.K., and everything is turning out perfectly. Oli and I worked out our problems, and he's also getting closer to Cassie. Cassie is really happy since she now knows who her real father is. Oli of course is spoiling the crap out of her though. Just yesterday, he brought her down to his Drop Dead store, and  allowed Cassie to pick out whatever she wants. She was even more happy when all the boys gave her a little acoustic set in the backyard. I even started to notice that my relationship with Oli is starting to grow even more, especially after that kiss. I'm just really glad that everything is working out.

It was eight PM, and Oli decided it would be good to take Cassie out for a father and daughter dinner. He asked if I wanted to join, but I told them that it would be better if it was just them. I stayed home for a little while, but I decided to go out to the bar. I called an uber to take me to the closest bar. The ride wasn't far at all, i actually could've walked there.

I walked into the bar, and it of course smelled of alcohol and cigarettes. I went to the bartender and ordered some random drink from the menu. It was sweet, but that's the way I like all my drinks. I was sitting at a table, just watching all these random people grind on top of each other. It was pretty funny seeing them trying to dance since they were all plastered. They just reminded me of fish flopping out of water. As I was watching the drunk people dance, a very muscular man came my way.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?"

"I'm just enjoying the view of the people dancing. I'm not here to shag, so if that's your intention, I suppose you leave." The guy looked like one of those biker dudes. He had a lot of tattoos, but not as much as Oli.

"Oh come on. I wouldn't take you home to shag, your obviously not drunk enough yet." He let out a really loud laugh after that.

"Excuse me? I have a boyfriend and a kid. I'm not going to downgrade to a person like you." He looked hurt when I said that, but he soon had an expression of bad intentions.

"A boyfriend and a kid? That doesn't usually work out great. How about you come with me and I'll show you a great time. We can make children of our own. And looking at you, I can tell our children will be beautiful."

"Back the fuck away or I will kick you in the balls. I'm not afraid to."

"Oh, you won't just be kicking them, you'll be doing more."

"What the hell is wrong with you. You have no way to speak to women like that. Now please back away."

He started to get closer and closer. I tried to scream, but the music was way too loud. I closed my eyes, preparing for what would happen next, but There was soon a loud thud. I opened my eyes to see a slender guy with long blonde hair punching the crap out of the muscular dude. The biker creep finally surrendered and walked away. The guy who saved me had his back towards me, so I couldn't see his face.

"Thank you so much for that. I have no idea what he was going to do,  but I know that his intentions were bad."

The guy turned around and faced me, but I was shocked when I saw who it was.

"It's no problem. I hate it when guys pick on innocent women like that. Their mothers didn't raise them right. Hey, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Sorry for starring, but are you Curtis ward?"

"Yeah. Wait, you must know me from my old band that I used to be in."

"You don't remember me?" If I can remember him,I'm pretty sure he could remember me. Or maybe he's just drunk, and his memory might be fogged.

"Sorry, I don't. What's your name, maybe that might help. I'm not that good with faces."

"Natalie, Natalie Greyson. " he was thinking for a little bit, but his face lit up once he remembered everything.

"No fucking way. I can't believe I didn't remember you. You look so different then when you were fifteen. Wait, so did you move back here, or are you just visiting?"

"I'm actually here to visit Oli. He finally wanted to be a family again, so he flew us down here to work everything."

"Really, I thought you guys worked it out a long time ago. I can't believe it took him so long to fix everything. So, are you guys like, married or something?"

"Um, no. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend again. I mean, we didn't really break up, but I still feel like we need to establish that we are back together. And it did take him a long time. Thirteen years to be exact."

"Damn. Oli may have the looks, but he obviously didn't know how to treat women. Especially with a kid. I would've never done that to my kid, especially for thirteen years. That's just fucked up."

"Yeah, but he says that he wants to fix everything, and I believe him."

"Okay. So, how has life been, other than the whole Oli thing?"

We talked all throughout the night. We caught each other up on how our life was going, and it was honestly just the best thing ever. Curtis still looked the same, except his hair was longer and it isn't black. We talked for so long, that I didn't know that I had ten miss calls from Oli, and four from Cassie. I also didn't even know that it was 3:34 in the morning.

"Oh shit, I didn't even know how late it was. Oli and Cassie have been calling me, so they must be very worried. "

"It's fine. I'll catch you around soon. How long do you have here?"

"Ten more days."

"Oh, well here's my number. Just call when you want to hang out or talk, it was really nice meeting you again Natalie."

"It was nice seeing you too Curtis." He kissed me on the forehead, but I didn't think anything of it. I called an uber to pick me up and bring me back to Oli's house. I stumbled into the house, and to my surprise Oli was still up.

"Where were you, and why are you wasted?"

"I'm sorry. I went to the bar and lost track of time. The music was also too loud, so I couldn't hear the phone."

"You didn't, you know, hook up with anybody?"

"What, no. A guy tried that, but Curtis showed him the door."

"Wait, Curtis, as in Curtis ward?"

"Yeah. It was so nice seeing him again. Oh shit, my head is starting to hurt really bad. I think I need to sleep."

"Okay, I'll take you to your bed."

Oli carried me to my bed and put the covers around me. He was about to leave,but I kissed him.

"I love you so fucking much."

"I do too, but you're obviously really drunk, so you probably don't mean it. Well, goodnight Natalie."

"Goodnight Oli."

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