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"Natalie, I'm sorry. Please don't walk off." Oli said, chasing me down the drive way.

"No Oli. You can't just use your stupid apologies to get me back. Not this time."

"What did I do anyway? I did nothing wrong, so why are you mad at me."

"You did nothing wrong? How about the fucking custody papers. You're trying to take Cassie away from me. I knew this would happen. I knew that this whole entire trip was a red flag, but I of course didn't listen to it. "

"Natalie, I'm not trying to take Cassie awa.."

"Don't give me that bullshit. This was your plan the whole entire time. Get close to Cassie, and then take her away from me. You know what, if you want her so bad, take her. Take everything away from me and leave me with nothing. Just leave me skin and bone, on my own. You'll be sorry Oliver Scott Sykes."

"What's gotten into your head Natalie? I'm not taking Cassie away from you. I'm trying to get custody of her so we can both take care of her, that's all. You're overeating and making this problem a huge one."

"Whatever, I just need a drink." I walked out of his drive way and started walking towards the bar. I was hopping that he would chase after me, but he didn't. I took out my phone and texted Curtis. I only have four more days down here, so I might as well hang out with him before we leave. I told him to meet me at the bar, and he said okay.

I arrived at the bar and ordered my drink. It was quite empty in here, and that was strange since it was Friday. It could be the fact that it's only 7. Most people probably get around here late. I stared at the door waiting for Curtis to walk on. Four people walked in, and Curtis was one of them.

"Hey Curtis, over here!" I yelled waving at him. I already had a couple of drinks before he got here, so I had a slight buzz.

"Dang, you already had drinks without me. Did something happen love? Your mascara is down your face."

"I have Oli problems."

"Oh, I see. I'll be back." He went to the bar and ordered us some drinks. He walked back and handed me another drink.

"So, do you want to talk about what happened?"

"Not really. I don't want to talk about him. I don't even want to mention his name tonight."

"Okay. Aren't you leaving in four days?"

"Yep. We only had four days left, and I already managed to screw things over."

"No you didn't. You did nothing wrong. Oli can be hard to get with, that's really why I left the band, and because I just couldn't stand him with you."

"What?" Curtis hurried and chugged his drink before he answered me.

"I was still really into you when you broke up with me and left me for Oli. In fact, I was into you once you were dating him. Seeing how he treated you, and how he just left you made me lose respect for him, so I quit the band."

It was silent only because I didn't know what to say. I reached over and held his hand. He looked shocked at the move I just made.

"You know Curtis, you were always the person who kept their heart on their sleeve." We both let out a laugh at how true it was. We then had a long moment of staring into each other's eyes.

"You wanna maybe come to my house? It's not crowded, and it doesn't smell like cigarettes and liquor."

"Sure, let's go."

He drove me to his house, which was a little ways out, but not that far. His house was a nice size house, but not as big as Oli's . It was a house that he was comfortable with, and that's all that matters. We walked inside and went into the mini bar that he had in the kitchen.

"Wow, it's pretty nice in here."

"Thanks. I'm not really into having mansions and having extravagant things."

A mini bar is a little extravagant." I added.

"Whatever." Was all he managed to say.

We made each other different drinks to try out, which was a bad idea since I was completely wasted by the fourth drink. I was jumping everywhere, and falling everywhere. It was also very hard to understand anything that I was saying.

"Okay, you need to lay down Natalie. You could hurt yourself."

"Never, I'm IMMORTAL!!" I yelled, running and tripping throughout his house. I made it to his room and hid in his closet.

"Natalie, we aren't playing hide and go seek. You'll probably break a bone or something."

"No I won't!" I yelled jumping out the closet and jumping on him, which caused both of us to fall on his bed .

"You are unbelievably drunk in the brain."

"Nahhhh mate. I'm very not drunk in the.... the... OH the brain!!"

He laughed at how utterly ridiculous I was, but he soon stopped and stared into my eyes. I was laying on top of him, and his hands were on my waist. I knew this was wrong, but I didn't t get up to stop it. I moved closer and closer to his lips, which caused more sexual tension between us.

"Maybe we shouldn't.." Curtis tried to say, but I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He quickly did the same as he started moving his hands to explore my body. He turned over to where I was beneath him and he was on top of me. He quickly removed his shirt, and I did the same. His lips traveled from my lips, to my neck, and then to my chest. He reached behind my back and unhooked my bra, exposing everything.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this." He said, still looking down at me.

"If your thinking about how Oli would feel, it doesn't matter. I'm over him Curtis, I want you." This of course cleared his thoughts because he continued to kiss me. The next items of clothes to come of were our pants and underwear. It's been such a long time that I've experienced this, that it honestly felt like my first time. It was slow at first, but then the speed picked up. A bunch of moans and profanities were yelled throughout this time. Everything was starting to get blurry from the tears that were welling in my eyes. I couldn't tell if they were from me enjoying this, or because I've completely turned my back on Oli. All of that was washed out of my head when I reached climax. We both laid next to each other and continued to kiss. His hands connected with my face as he kissed me.

"I love you, Natalie!"

"I love you too." We continued to make out until we passed out.

A/n: I honestly have to give it to the people who write smut. I didn't even go into huge detail, and I felt very awkward and weird writing it. What I wrote probably isn't even counted as smut, but I still feel weird.

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