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"Wow, I still can't believe that you're friends with my mom. How old was she when you met her?" Cassie asked.

Oli and Cassie were talking in the kitchen while I just sat in the living room and listened. Oli and I haven't talked since the incident that happened early this morning.

"She was fifteen when we met. A friend of mine introduced me to her, and that's pretty much how we met. If t wasn't for that friend, I would've never met her."

"Ooh, who was this friend ?"

"Curtis ward. You might of heard of him. He used to be in the band, but stuff happened, and now he's out. Your mom actually used to date him."

"Mom, you used to date Curtis ward? You must've been very emo back then."

"Actually, I wasn't emo. Oli and everyone else were the emo ones. I was just a preppy girl who somehow found them attractive." I said walking into the kitchen.,

"Did you find Oli attractive?" Cassie started raising her eyebrows and smirking.

Oli and I stared at each other, both probably thinking about the same thing.

"She did find me attractive actually. We started dating, and well, made you."

Wow, what a very settle way to put it.

"Wait, you and my mom dated, and you... No way, your my dad?" She had a mix of emotions showing. It seemed like she was happy, angry, and hurt.

"Yeah, I'm your dad."

"Why did you leave us? My mom was young, and you just left her like that?"

"I was caught up in the music, and I just, I made a mistake. I shouldn't have left at all. I missed out on your childhood, and I would do anything to be able to be see your first walk, and hear your first words. Please forgive me."

Cassie stood there with tears falling down her face. I was scared that she was going to run off into her room, but she instead walked into his arms and hugged him. Oli and I were bother shocked that she just hugged him, and that she didn't get upset.

"You aren't mad at me?" He asked.

"I am, but I'm just happy that I now know who my father is. "

I got up and decided to join the group hug. This moment was the best moment that I've had in a long time. It felt like we were an actual family. We let each other go, and Cassie soon lit up.

"Wait, your my dad, so that means that I get free concert tickets and backstage passes all my life, right?"

"Well, you don't really need tickets because you'll pretty much be watching from backstage, but it really depends on what your mom says." Oli said with a chuckle.

"Okay, I'm not mad anymore. I can't believe you're my dad. This is so unbelievable."

"Wow, your mood changed fast." I chuckled.

"Okay, how about you give me and your mom some time to talk about stuff, and then we'll go out and do something."

"Okay!" Cassie yelled as she ran to her room.

Oli and I faced each other, both smiling at the fact that things might workout.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I should've stopped bringing up the past."

"No, it's my fault. I overreacted."

"At least Cassie knows. I thought that things would be way worse."

"I did too. I think she's more happy about the fact that I'm in a band more than anything."

"Yeah, I think that's what kept her from getting upset."

He let out a small laugh, and then made his gaze back to me. Everything was calm now, and the tension that we once had was gone. The whole entire atmosphere is lighter than before.

"So, where would you like to eat at?" He asked.

"I have no idea. I forgot most of the restaurants here."

"I guess we could just cook here then instead of going out. I could invite the boys over too, if that's okay with you. "

"Yeah, they can come. We could use a little catching up,and I don't really know much about Jordan."

"Okay, I'll text them."

He picked up his phone and started texting them. I was about to go and change into something nicer than a tank top and sweatpants, but I stopped and gave Oli a quick kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know, I just thought that you deserved it."

"What can I do to deserve more than that?" He had a little smirk on his face.

"Oh god Oli, we aren't doing that. Not now."

"So we could do it later?"

"Oliver Scott Sykes, we aren't doing this." I said while smacking his arm playfully.

"Okay, okay. That actually hurt."


Everyone arrived and we all sat in the back patio. Jordan brought over his son Eliot and Cassie fell in love with him. She played with Eliot while all of us talked. I gotten to know about Jordan and his wife, and everyone else's significant other. It was nice getting to see everyone together. As the sun started to set, it started to get cool outside, so we all went inside.

"So Natalie, are you planing on moving in with Oli?" Emma asked.

"I never really thought of it. We just got here yesterday, and I don't really want to rush things. I mean, we just really made up today."

"Yeah, don't rush things. You did that before, and look where it got you two." Lee said.

The last time we rushed things, I ended up pregnant, and that went horrible.

We chatted for a couple of hours, and everyone was starting to get tired.

"Okay, well its pretty late, so we are going to head out." Jordan said.

"Yeah, I think we should go too. Bye guys." Matt said.

Within ten minutes, everyone was out of the house. Cassie had fallen asleep about an hour ago, and Oli was cleaning up. I helped clean up the living room and kitchen while Oli did the dishes . We were done cleaning in about an hour.

"I'm heading to be Natalie, goodnight." He came over and kissed me on the forehead.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to me. I pulled him in closer and kissed him. I usually never make the first move, but I did drink a little tonight, so I was kind of buzzed. He hesitated for a little, but kissed back. My hands went straight for his hair, while his hands rested on my hips. It wasn't until now that I realized how much I missed his kiss. I slowly pulled away and stared into his lustful eyes.

"Not tonight." Was all I managed to get out before he connected our lips again.

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