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"Mom, can't you go any faster? We are going to be late for the concert!" Cassie yells.

"We are literally two hours early Cass, and only thirty minutes away from the venue. You'll be fine."

We sat in silence for a little bit, but Cassie ruined it with her outburst of happiness.

"I can't believe that I'm not only going to see bring me the horizon in concert, but I'm also going to meet them. This is literally the best day of my life!" She yells.

"Well, I'm glad that I made this the best day of your life."

We finally arrived at the venue, and there was already a long line of people standing outside.

"Wow, who knew that so many people loved this band. Ughhh I can't wait anymore, lets go." Cassie says jumping out of the car.

There was two lines out there. One for general admission, and the other one for meet and greet. The meet and greet line was long, but not as long as the general admission. There was so many kids with different colored hair, tattoos, and the infamous emo hair. This all reminded me back when I was with Oli. He use to have that hair back when we were together. That was the last time I seen him, well, in person.

I over heard so many girls talking about how hot he was.

"Omg, Oli is just so hot. I honestly don't t understand how he is single." One girl with blue and green hair said.

"Same, but if he needs someone, I'll be his boo thang." Her friend says, who has red hair with snake bites and a septum piercing.

"No, I'll be his girlfriend. You barely even know about him. Do you know his full name?" The blue haired girl asked.

Oliver Scott Sykes I think to myself. I used to always call him by his full name when he would make me mad. Those memories brought a small smile to my face.

"Yeah, its Oliver Scott Sykes! See I know my stuff." The other girl said. They both finally stopped talking, and the line started moving.

We've been standing in line for about an hour and a half before it was our turn to meet them. A part of me was happy to see him, but another part of me was also mad. We finally became the next person in line. The only thing keeping us away from him was some body guards. The next set of people left, and it was our turn to go in. I walked in, and the first person I laid eyes on was Lee. He looked at me weirdly, like he was wondering who I was, but it all came back to him when his eyes widened. Everyone else saw me and had the same expression as Lee. Oli wasn't in the room, which made me feel mad. How could he invite us, and not even be in the room.

"Sorry guys, I just had to use the bathroom. Who's up nex-." He stopped when he saw me. His face showed happiness, and also guilt.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you guys. You guys are sooo amazing!" Cassie says, dragging out the o's in so.

Oli looked even more surprised when he saw Cassie. He just stood there and stared at her. I never noticed how much they look alike until now. The room was quiet for a little, but Jordan spoke up.

"Oh, thank you so much. You want a picture?"

"Of course I do!" She yells.

She gives everyone a hug, and then gave her phone to the person who took all the pictures. I just stood by the door, still shocked. He looked buffer than before. His hair wasn't in his casual emo style anymore, it has parted in the middle, and curly. His face was more defined, and he had way more tattoos than before. The picture was done, and the body guard called out for the next person to take their picture. We walked out, and I took one last look at Oli. He looked like he was about to cry, and that he had so many questions to ask.

The concert was over and everyone was leaving now. Their show was actually very interesting and amazing. They closed the show with their song drown, and they also had colorful confetti.

"This was sooo amazing mom. I can't believe that I met them. They are so nice and so cute in person ." Cassie yelled. "You know what was weird though, they all stared at you when we walked in the room. I guess they thought you were hot."

I laughed. Not because of what she assumed, but at how clueless she was. They stared at me because they were all surprised that I was there. I was more surprised that Jordan knew who I was. I didn't know anything about Jordan other than his name, and that he's married and has a kid, but I learned all of that from Cassie. They must've filled him in on everything that happened between us. The person that used to be in Jordan's spot was Curtis ward. Funny story, I used to actually date Curtis before I dated Oli. He was thirteen, and I was fourteen. I don't really know why he left the band, and to be honest, I wish that I could've seen him. Curtis was the one who actually introduced me to Oli, and next thing you know, I became pregnant and he left me.

I all of a sudden had to use the bathroom, so we went to look for it. The venue was pretty empty, with only small groups of kids hanging out. We finally found the bathrooms, but I was surprised to see the whole band hanging out by the stairs. They all stopped their conversation and stared at us. Oli was staring directly at me, and I was staring at him.

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