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Cassie's pov

I look out the widow as my mom drove us to school. The windows were fogging up from the difference in temperature. It's now October, and it's starting to get cold outside.

I sighed as I saw the sight of school. I've just hated going to school now. Nothing's been the same. My mom still cries over Oli, and I do too. My friends don't even know about it yet. Everything happened two months ago, and I never told them. I just don't want them in my business. My mom parked the car and sighed. She's hungover, for the fourth time. She's started the habit of drinking every night, and it scares me.

"Bye mom, see you later." I say as I kiss her cheek.

"See you latter Cass." She gave me a small smile.

I get out of the car and walk to my friends. I look back to find my mom still in The car, checking her phone.

"Over here Cassie!" Kathrine yelled. I strolled over to where the group was standing at.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I say while plastering a fake smile across my face.

"Not good. How are you not gonna tell us that you and Ethen are dating? I had to find out by going through his texts. Btw, you guys are really cringey." Margaret blabbed.

"Sorry, a lot of things were going on, and you shouldn't have went through them. Have you ever heard of privacy?"

"Yes I have. Oh, I'm inviting myself over today."


"Duh, to spend time with you, and to keep an eye out on your hot dad. He's such a hottie, or should I say hollie, get it? Hollie, as in hot oli?" Margaret laughed.

"Wow Margaret . Your joke is more cringey than Ethen's and Cassie's texts." Max said.

"Did you all read it?" Ethen asked. Everyone laughed except for me.

The bell ringed, and all of us headed to our classes.

"See you at lunch." Ethen said, giving me a kiss on the forehead, which is something that I truly needed.

Time went by, and class was boring as usual. Constant lectures, kids acting up, and countless amounts of homework. That's high school for you. I'm only a freshman, and I'm constantly getting pilled with homework. The bell ringed, indicating that it was time for lunch. All the kids rushed out. I walked to the table that me and my friends always sit at. It was outside right under this tree. Kathrine and Margaret was already there.

"Hey gassy Cassie." Margaret yelled.

"Please don't start that again. That was third grade." I whined.

"Whatever, and you never answered me about coming over to your house today."

"Um, yeah I don't think that would be a good idea."

"What wouldn't be a good idea?" Ethen asked. Max was right behind him.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I sat down next to Ethen, and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Eww, you guys are disgustingly cute." Kathrine answered.

"Thanks?" Ethen answered.

"Come on Cass, why can't I come over?" Margaret continued.

"Because you can't. Now stop asking."

"Woah! Someone's mad. What happened to you?" Max asked.

"Nothi.. can we stop talking about me. Nothing is wrong. I'm fine, trust me."

"Lies, something is wrong, so spill." Margaret demanded.

"Fine, Oli cheated on my mom with ms. Kira, but my mom also cheated on Oli with her ex Curtis when we were in the U.K. So pretty much everyone cheated on each other , and nothing is going right." Everyone looked at me in shock.

"I'm so sorry Cass. Why didn't you tell us? And when did this happen?" Ethen asked, squeezing my hand.

"This happened two moths ago. I didn't tell you guys because it's non of your business anyway. Now can you please leave me alone, I'm going to see my mom." I got up from the group and started walking towards the counselor office. Ethen ran after me and stopped me.

"Hey, you know you could've told us. There's no need to keep everything bottled up inside."

"I know, I just wish everything was back to normal."

"Normal was when you never even met your dad."

"Yeah, I wish I never met him. I wish he never contacted us. Everything was fine when I never knew about him."

"That's a complete lie. You were so upset about not knowing about your dad. You constantly begged to know about him. Your parents both made a mistake, and now you guys just need to fix things."

"How? My mom blocked Oli's number, and she doesn't want me to talk or see him until I'm 18. He probably already moved on anyway.

"No he didn't. He loved you two a lot. I know that whole once a cheater always a cheater thing, but I honestly just feel like those were just mess ups. I bet that he wishes he never done it, and that you guys were a family, same for your mom. So, if you still have Oli's number, I can text him and try to fix things. I know that you want your mom and him to get back together. So let me help you."

"Okay, thanks Ethen." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and then gave him Oli's number. "Don't forget the time difference when you try to call or text him." The bell ringed, signifying us to move to our last class. I gave Ethen one more kiss, but a teacher fussed at us.


"How was school Cassie?" My mom asked as she pulled up to the house. We didn't speak a word until we arrived home.

"Boring as usual. I have a lot of homework to do."

"Yeah, I know. Hey, miss Taylor said she caught you and Ethen kissing. I know you're in high school and all, but no kissing boys."

"Mom, it's just a kiss. You're acting like we had sex."

"Cassie, don't say that!"

"I'm sorry, I have to go do homework." I ran upstairs to my room and laid in bed. I shuffled my music, and Follow You came on

My head is haunting me, and my heart feels like a ghost
I need to feel something cause I'm still so far from home
Cross your heart and hope to die promise me you'll never leave my side.

His voice is so soft in this song, compared to his other songs. It made me start to miss him.

I'll never leave, so you can drag me through hell
If it meant I could hold your hand, I will follow you, cause I'm under your spell

I quickly turned the song off. I couldn't listen to it. Tears rolled down my face. I really miss my dad. I want him hear, I want us to be a happy family. I just want us to be normal. I cried so much, that I ended up crying myself to sleep. I really hope that Ethen can work something out with Oli, because I don't want to live another year without my dad.

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