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Cassie's pov
I jumped out of my bed and ran to my mom's room. "Mom, wake up, I'm official fourteen!" I yelled, waking her up.

"Cassie, did you really have to wake me up at.. 9:30, oh shit, I gotta go!" She yelled as she jumped out of bed and rushed to get dress.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"I have a um... job meeting."

"But you work at my school, and they don't have meetings on Saturday's."

"Whatever, just eat breakfast and get dress,  I'll be back."

"Wait, is this some sort of birthday surprise? " she didn't answer me, so I assumed that this had something to do with my birthday. After fifteen minutes, my mom left. I wonder what she was rushing for. Maybe it's some sort of venue renting thing, or maybe she's picking up my dad from the airport. I really hope that she's picking up my dad. I've been very happy ever since I figured out that Oli was my dad. I've started to see my resemblance to him. We have the same color eyes, we have the same nose, and I have his sense of music. My mom hates metal, rock, or anything that's related to those genres. She's more of a pop and country person.

I've also been hoping that mom and dad get back together. It would be nice to be a happy family, but I feel like that was ruined when my mom went out and did it with her ex, Curtis. I never understood why she would leave Oli for him. Yeah, Oli did leave us , but did Curtis ever try to help out? Plus, he probably had sex with a bunch of other girls right when we left. He seems like that type of person. She tells me that I don't need to worry about Curtis, and that it was just a one night thing, but I still felt like stuff happened between them after that. I just learned to stop asking because I got the same answer all the time.

It's been about an hour, and I've already eaten and gotten dressed. I called mom, but she didn't answer. My phone soon started going off. I checked to see it was texts from my friends. They were all wishing me happy birthday, and asking me questions about where the party would be and what time. I thanked them for the birthday wishes, but I couldn't tell the the time and place of the party because I didn't know. I just told them that I'll tell them as soon as I could.

Speaking of friends, I made a lot when school started. I've only been in school for about three weeks , and I'm already popular. I think it's because I'm the daughter of a rockstar. I still of course hang out with my main group of best friends since fifth grade.

I heard the garage start to open, which indicated that my mom was finally home. I decided to stand by the door and scare her when she walked in. I heard shuffling in the garage, and the door finally opened. I was about to jump out and scare her, but she wasn't the person to enter, my dad was the first person to enter.

"DAD!!" I yelled as I jumped on him. He stumbled back a little, but he caught his balance.

"Wow, I didn't know that I would be missed this much." He laughed. I really liked his accent, and I wished that I had it. My mom told me that I had a British accent when I first started talking, but it went away when we moved to America .

"I knew that mom was going to get you, I just knew it!"

"If it wasn't for her jumping in my bed, I would've missed your flight." She said to Oli.

"Well in that case, good job for waking her up." I finally jumped off of him and allowed him to settle in.

"Oh mom, what time is the party, and is it going to be here?"

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