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Oli's pov

"Come on mate, you've been doing nothing all week. Did you even write anything down ?" Matt was bugging me the whole entire time. We were in the studio trying to make some new music, but I had nothing to write about.

"No, there's noting to write about." I say as I get up and walk out the studio. Everyone just looked at me oddly, but Jordan  got up and chased after me.

"Dude, are you still upset over Natalie?"

"No, I'm upset because I can't write a bloody song." I snap back with sarcasm.

"Hey, that was uncalled for. Anyway, it's been like three months dude, can't you just get over it?" Jordan suggest.

"Get over it? Can you get over Elliot and Emma? No, you can't because you love them. I messed up big time With leaving them for thirteen years, and then leaving again."

"Technically, Natalie told you to leave, so you only obeyed her."

"I know, but I shouldn't have cheated with the girl I met years ago. Natalie shouldn't have cheated on me with Curtis. We should've just dated right when we got back together that day. I think that's what started everything."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel that we both just wanted each other, but we're too scared to admit it, so we instead decided that fucking other people would be better. I don't know, my minds fucked."

"Yeah, let's just forget about it. I mean, I know you can't forget about them, but we have an album to make."

Jordan opened the door and waited for me to walk in. I sighed and walked into the studio. I still didn't really know what to write about, but I decided that writing my feelings out would be a good start. I'm not really the one to write mushy gushy love songs, but that's the only thing coming out. I was able to write five songs with all of the stuff that happened with Natalie and I. Everyone read over the songs, and they all had the same look after reading them, they all showed sorrow.

"Hey man, maybe we should stop writing today and just go out for drinks. Let's just have a guys night out." Lee suggested.

"Yeah, that would be fun, what do you think Oli?" Mat asked.

"Ugh, I guess. "

"Great, let's go."

With that, we all left the studio and went out to town. We went out to SOYO, which is a pretty nice bar out in Sheffield. It's only 3 in the afternoon, and the bar is already packed with wasted people. We all got a table, and the boys ordered a beer. I didn't get anything because I wasn't really in the mood to drink.

"You sure you don't want a drink?" Lee asked. "It can help you take your mind off things."

"No thanks, I'm not in the mood."

"I'm sorry dude, but you can't just let her get you down. I know you love her and all, but you have to move on. She's probably already fucking some other guy already." Mat added.

"No she wouldn't. Don't fucking say that." I yelled.

"Just think about it. She blocked your number, she doesn't want you talking to your own daughter, she's over you. She doesn't want you anymore. You can't just let someone who doesn't love you control your life. Go out and start dating other girls."

"What the fuck is wrong with you Mat?" Jordan asked. "You've gone mad?"

"No, it's just really tiring seeing him sulk over a girl who doesn't even want him. Just get over her."

"Well that's easy for you to say, you have someone. All of you guys have someone. I have no one."

"Come on Oli, you have us. And Mat does have a point, it is pretty aggravating." Matt joined in.

"You know what, fuck all of you. I'm out." I stormed out of the bar and drove home. I wasn't going to put up with all of this bullshit.

I get home and lay in bed. Random thoughts ran through my head. I know that I should just go out looking for another girl, but I still love Natalie. I don't think that I'll be able to forget about her. I tried calling her phone, but it went straight to voice mail. I then remembered something. I remembered that one of Cassie's friends dmed me a while back. I quickly went to Instagram and checked through all of my thousands of dm's. I finally found it and responded.

Hey Ethen, Sorry that I haven't answered. I know that you're a kid and all, but I really need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please see if Miss Natalie moved on? I know this is invading privacy and all, but I really need to know if she's still into me because I don't want to invade her life if she's not. Thanks.

I turned off my phone and laid back in bed. It's only 4:37, but I'm already exhausted. I guess the only thing I could do is wait for Ethen to text back.

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