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Oli's pov
"Oh my god, Oli! What the fuck are you doing here?" She yelled while trying to cover her body.

"No, the real question is what the fuck are you doing here?"

It was silent until Curtis walked in.

"Oli, mate I'm so sorry dude. Things just.."

"Shut up Curtis!" I yelled.

"Oli, don't do this." Natalie said as she started to dress. I looked back to see Curtis eyeing her naked body with a smirk. I turned fully around and punched Curtis in the face. That surely knocked the smirk off of his face.

"Oli! What are ya doing?" Yelled Natalie. She was only in her underwear and bra.

"No Natalie, its fine. I deserved thi.." I swung again and hit him right in the lip.

"Oliver, stop it now!"

I didn't say anything. I just stared at Curtis, who was holding his bloody lip. He looked up to me and just smiled. What the fuck is wrong with him? Does he enjoy getting punched? I'm surprised that he didn't try to fight back

"Why the fuck ya smiling?"

"Because, for once you finally care about her. You're standing up for her. You finally learned how to respect her." I punched him again right in the nose.

"Shut up, I've always respected her. I have no idea why you.."

"Stop it, just stop it, both of you." Natalie yelled with tears running down her face. "I'm so sorry Oli. I've messed everything up. I, I just thought that.."

"You thought that I was trying to take Cassie away. I've told you that I was just trying to get joint custody, but no, whatever Natalie says is right. You know, maybe this is the reason why I left in the first place. No, it is the reason why. You always want things to go your way. If it doesn't, you always make the other person seem like the monster,but you're the monster. You wanted me to quit the band because of the baby, but I didn't. Then you decided to be miss it and leave. I didn't come back because I didn't want to deal with your shit. "

"Really? Look at yourself Oli. You're making up such lies. I did nothing wrong, but you, you did everything wrong.. I can't believe that you.."

"Alright enough!" Curtis yelled. He finally got his nose to stop bleeding. "You two need to stop being selfish and think about Cassie. She needs a mother and a father. She needs both of you. You guys need to put away your troubles and focus on her. Be the parents that she need."

"Since when the fuck did you become a councilor? You should've thought about that before you shagged my girl, ya prick."

"Where is Cassie anyway?" Natalie asked.

"She's in the car, sleeping. " we all walked out side and checked on her. She was just on her phone checking Instagram. I opened the door and she looked at us.

"Mom, I was worried sick about you. I thought... wait, is that Curtis ward?"

Curtis shook his head and waved hi. Cassie glanced at us for a couple of minutes, taking in the bad atmosphere that we are giving off.

"Please tell me that you didn't cheat mom. Did you go out and do the do with Curtis?"

"Cass, let's not talk about this."

"Yes, let's talk about this. I deserve answers!" She yelled.

"That's enough Cassie, just drop it. It's grownup problems." I scolded.

"Why is everyone treating me like a kid. I'm thirteen, I deserve answers!"

"Enough." I said. She sat back in her chair and stayed quiet. Natalie walked up to her and kissed her cheek.

"We need to go." I said pulling Natalie's arm. She jerked her arm away and walked to the other side of the car. I stared at Curtis, who still had blood on his nose and lip.

"You pack a really big punch. I'm surprised my nose isn't broken."

"Just shut up Before I punch you again, cunt."

"Wow, name calling. Well at least I'm not a pussy. I'm over here showing Natalie a great time while you can't even keep a .."

"Do you ever shut up?" He rolled his eyes and walked over to say goodbye to Natalie and Cassie. He started walking towards the house, but stopped right next to me.

"Just talk to her mate."


"Spill your heart out to her. Wear your heart on your sleeve for her. Maybe she'll understand everything and get with you, or she'll move on. If she moves on, it's just not meant to be. If she stays, then she stays. Either way, Cassie doesn't need to be seeing you two fight. Take care of both of them." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you mad? You have no right telling me what to do Curtis! If I catch you with Natalie again, I swear you'll be dead." I said walking to the car.

"I guess I better sleep with one eye open." Curtis joked.

"Don't make jokes out of my songs. You're really wanting to die, don't you?" I yelled as I got in the car.

We drove out of the driveway and headed back to my house. The whole entire car ride was silent, with only the sounds of the outside. Cassie went back to sleep, but Natalie stared out the window. I really wish that this whole entire thing was just one big nightmare, but it wasn't.

We arrived home, and I carried Cassie into her bed. Natalie quickly walked inside and just went to her room. After I tucked Cassie in, I went to check on Natalie, who was just laying in bed.

"Hey, can we.."

"Not in the mood to talk." She snapped.

"Cool. It's late anyway, so we can talk tomorrow." I started walking out her room until she called out for me.

"Oli, I'm sorry. I came here thinking that you would mess this up, but I messed everything up. I just miss you. I miss being with you, I miss touching you. I miss us, and I want you to help take care of Cassie with me. I want us to live happily together. Please, please forgive me. I've made everything worse, and I really want to fix things." It was hard to understand her because of her sobbing, but I managed to pick out what she said.

I walked over to her bed and hugged her. She cried into my chest and I just held her in my arms. This moment took me back to when we were sixteen and she found out she was pregnant. We had a fight, but this was the position we took after all that happened. I rubbed her arm and assured her that everything would be okay. She finally stopped crying and I kissed her forehead.

"Let's start over. Let's just forget about the past. We both fucked up, but that's done and over with."

"Okay." Was all she managed to say.

I laid back in her bed and she placed her head on my chest. She traced a bunch of random shapes on my chest, and I played in her hair.

"I love you, Oli. And I mean it. I really love you."

"I love you too Natalie."

Our lips connected and sparks went off. Hands were everywhere, and so was our lips. I left sloppy kisses all down her neck and onto her chin. She moaned out and I removed my shirt. She removed her shirt and her pants. My hands traveled down to her downstairs area. We kept making out and touching until all of our clothes were off.I haven't felt this way in such a long time, but it was all so familiar. I just hope that these next few days work out.

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