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"wake up, wake up, it's Christmas!" Cassie yelled as she jumped on my bed.

"Jeez Cass, aren't you a little old to be doing that? Plus, you don't want to wake up Oli and Alissa."

"Too bad, it's Christmas." She said as she ran out of the room and downstairs. I got out of bed and went to the closet to get a present that I got for Oli. I got him a couple of shirts and cologne. It's not much, but it's usually the thought that counts. I also got Alissa something, even though she aggravated me. I got her this pretty necklace with an A hanging off of it. I bought Cassie some presents too, but she already knew what they were. I put the presents in a bag, and headed downstairs. Oli and Alissa were already downstairs. Oli was dressed up as Santa. He had the red suit and a beard. He even stuffed his stomach to make him seem fat.

"Ho, ho, ho, merry Christmas." Oli said, trying to sound like Santa. I couldn't help but laugh. Alissa was also laughing. She seemed in a better mood.

Cassie ran to Oli and gave him a hug. I swear the child is 5 and not 14. The tree was filled with presents of different shapes and sizes.

"Wow, these are a lot of presents." Cassie said as she stared in aw at the tree.

"Yeah, and the good news is that they are all for you." Oli said.

Cassie and I both stared at Oli with our mouths open.

"Really?" We both said together.

"Yeah. I wanted to makeup for all the years I missed out on."

Cassie gave Oli another hug and ran to the tree. I was still speechless at all the presents he got her. I walked over to Oli and pulled him aside.

"Oli, we need to ta.."

"It's not Oli, I'm Santa." He said, pointing to his outfit.

"Fine, Santa, you didn't have to get Cassie all of those presents. You really didn't."

"Yes I did Natalie. I had to."

"How much did you spend. I mean, you bought her that drum kit. That could've been her only present."

"I spent a little over 9 thousand. Maybe a little more." I sighed.

"Oli, that's way too much. I know you have the money and all, but you don't need to spend all of it on us." He smirked and leaned to my ear.

"You're not going to be saying that when I give you your presents." He then smiled at me and walked over to Cassie.

I was scared, but also excited to see my presents. I then remembered the presents I got for Oli and Alissa. I went over to Alissa and gave her her present.

"Here you go, merry Christmas." I said, with somewhat of a fake smile.

She seemed very surprised that I got her something.

"Oh, you didn't have to. I mean, I really didn't get you anything."

"It's okay." I said.

She opened it and took out the necklace. She looked at it in aw and then gave me a big hug. The hug caught me by surprise. She let me go and then put the necklace on.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem."

I turned back around to Cassie opening her presents. She got a lot of clothes, perfume, bath bombs,a record player, a bunch of vinyls, some of them were signed by the artist, she also got some shoes. It took her about thirty minutes to open up all her presents. She still had one more present. Oli didn't bring it downstairs.

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