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"You ready Cassie?" I asked as the passengers got up, ready to board the flight.

"I've been ready! I haven't seen Dad in a while, so it would be nice to be able to see him again."Cassie responded.

We got on the plane and found our seats. Cassie sat by the window and I sat in the middle chair. Luckily, no one else booked the seat next to me. Cassie looked out the window as the plane started ascending . We soon flew over the clouds, and the view was amazing. I'm not really a fan of flying, but the view is just everything.

After what seemed like forever, we finally landed down in Sheffield. Cassie was asleep, and I again had to go through the torture of getting her up. She finally woke up after my hundredth attempt of trying to wake her. We walked off the plane and into the airport. Oli texted me and told me that he was was waiting by our luggage claim. We quickly passed by all the people and made it to the luggage claim. Cassie and I both looked around, but there was no site of him. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" The person said.

"Umm, I'm hoping it's Oli cause if not, I'll punch ya where it would hurt." I heard his chuckle and he turned me around.

"It's me, so don't punch me where it hurts." He gave me a big warm hug. I missed his hugs so much.

"Hey Dad, don't forget about me." Cassie whined.

"I couldn't forget about my daughter." He gave her a hug and kissed her on her forehead. "So, how is high school?"

"It's okay. There's a lot of work that I have to do, but I manage to get it done."

"That's good. How's that Ethen kid?"

"Oh, we broke up." Cassie answered. She seemed a little asleep.

"Don't be so upset kid, he obviously wasn't the right one. You can find someone way better. Anyway, I'm Sorry to cut this short, but we need to hurry up and get your bags. Alissa doesn't know I'm here."

"Wait, does she know that we're even here?"

"Uhh yeah. She just doesn't know our past relationship status. She just knows that we are friends. She told me that she talked to Cassie over the phone, so Im Pretty sure she'll get the hint once she meets Cassie."

"Oh, okay." I said with a little hint of disappointment in my voice.

We grabbed our luggage and walked out to Oli's car.

We arrived at Oli's house, which still looks the same the last time I was here. Oli helped bring our bags in the house. There was music playing as we walked in.

"Oli, babe, where have you be.." she stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw me.

She was wearing an oversized hoodie with high waisted jeans and combat boots. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Who is she?" She said pointing at me.

"This is Natalie, my friend that I told you about."

"Cool. Who is the kid?"

"Umm, this is Cassie. I'm pretty sure you've met over the phone."

Her eyes widened as Oli mentioned Cassie's name.

"This is your child! Wait, so does that make Natalie your.."

"Ex girlfriend. I'm his ex, and Cassie is our kid." I interrupted. I could already tell that we weren't going to get along.

"Okay. Cool. I've missed you lots babes." She said, pushing me aside and jumping into Oli's arms. She started to attack him with kisses. I couldn't watch, so I took Cassie into the living room. Oli and Alissa soon walked in a few seconds after.

"Hey Natalie, I'm going to put your bags up in the guess room." Oli said as he dragged my bag and Cassie's.

"I could help you if you want."I volunteered.

"That would be co.."

"No no. Sit and relax Natalie. I'll help Oli." Alissa interrupted as she hopped off the couch. She grabbed one of my bags and one of Cassie's and walked to the guest room.

I rolled my eyes and changed flipped through the channels. There wasn't anything interesting on, so I got on my phone.

"Awwww, look at the dog!" Cassie yelled.

"Yeah, that's Oscar. You haven't seen him?" Oli answered while coming down the stairs.

"No, not at all. He's so cute dad."

"Dad? I thought I was the only one to call you that?" Alissa said, instantly laughing after her joke.

"Um, eww!" Cassie yelled.

Oli looked at me and mouthed "sorry". I just nodded and told Cassie to go out in the backyard and play with Oscar. Oli and Alissa sat down on the couch across from me. Alissa gave me a look that was meant to be rude, but it just looked like she was constipated.

"So, how is being a school counselor?" Oli asked.

"It's okay. I sometimes start feeling a little down after a day of hearing nothing but depressing stories, but I get used to it."

"You shouldn't be a counselor if you can't handle the kid's problems." Alissa scoffed.

"I never said that I couldn't, I just said that I get a little upset." I snapped back.

"Whatever. So, what even brought you here?" She asked.

"I did. I'm the reason her and Cassie are here." Oli butted in.


"Well, Cassie is still my daughter, even if Natalie and I aren't a thing. Plus, this would be our first Christmas together since I wasn't there for the past thirteen. "

"Okie dokie. Well, I'll make sure we have a lovely Christmas." She put a lot of emphasis in the word "lovely".

"Yeah, I want to make this a great Christmas for Cassie. Hey Natalie, can I show you something I got Cassie?"Oli asked.

"Yeah, that's cool." We got up and went to his room. Alissa didn't follow us surprisingly.

"Okay. Cassie seems like she might have a bunch of musical talents in her. I mean, I am her dad."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Who said you had talent?" I laughed

"A lot of people, including our daughter. Anyway, I bought her this drum set." He opened up his door to revel this very nice chrome drum set.

"Oli, this is so nice, but probably really expensive. How much did you spend on this?"

"$5,905. You think that's a little too much?"

"Too much? That's way too much. She's only fourteen. We could've gotten like a really really cheap one for her to begin on."

"We could've, but she has an uncle who's a drummer that could teach her. I mean she can get free drum lessons from a really good drummer."

I sighed. "Fine, I just feel bad that you spent a lot of money on her."

"It's all good. This present is makeup from all the years I missed out on. Do you think she'll like it?"

"Yeah, she'll love it."

We stood there, just staring into each other's eyes. I could see love and lust in his eyes, but we both know that doing something now would be horrible. He bit his lip and turned his head.

"Let's go back downstairs." He said, rushing out of the room.

I really wish we would've stayed. I wish I could've just jumped on him and attack him with kisses and much more, but it's just not the right time.

Red and White Flags || Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now