Chapter 20

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Mia's P.O.V

What the fuck just happened? I'm still trying to wrap my head around what Daniel said. It happened so quick. I just ran, I ran and I ran until I had no where else to go and my feet were sore. I went to a park and to be honest I didn't know where I was, I was just trying to run away from the boys, from Daniel, from my thoughts, but it seems I never can.  I have been sitting on the same bench for about 3 hours., I'm hungry, lost and I'm tired. More so tired of the arguments.

No one has come. To be honest, I'm glad, with all that's going on, I need some time to myself. I bet Daniel is glad that I'm gone. Why'd he say that? Why was he angry? Why is he acting like this?
I just want answers to all the questions whizzing around my head. I check my phone, more text messages and missed calls. 72 from Daniel, 68 from Taylor, 64 from Jack, 57 from Zach, 49 from Corbyn and 53 from Jonah. I sigh and turn it back off, It's pretty late now and it's dark out, great, more of a chance for me to encounter creeps.

First thing I do when it comes to these situations is run away it seems. I know that sounds bad, running away from my problems, I'm only human, in these situations I don't have anyone to run to, so I just run away and try to escape, but it never seems to work.
I couldn't stop thinking about Daniel and what he said, why he said that.
I didn't wanna go back, especially not after what Daniel said, he was practically implying that I'm a slut.
I finally let the first tear fall, the tears I was trying so hard to keep in, the ones I was caging in, they escaped.
It began raining, really L.A? Now is not a good time to be switching moods. The rain was getting heavier with every tear that travelled down my face and I was in shorts and a short sleeved top. Great. Just great.

I don't know what I was really feeling, angry? Upset? Lonely? At this point just confused. I huddled up and held my knees shivering against the rain and the cold, I probably looked like a wet mop, my hair now soaking as it was heavily raining. Nothing but my thoughts wrapped around me, consumed in it.
Honestly, I still miss Daniel, I want him to be here right now, with me, keeping me warm, he would probably make jokes about the people walking past in the park, then comment on how 'cute' my laugh is, then we'd kiss.
I wish life was easy.

All of a sudden, I see a figure and shadow of someone against the streetlight, it's too dark to see their face but i soon make out that it is a man. I first think that it's one of those late night creeps so I stand up ready to bolt, but then, I squint and realise it's none other than Daniel. The streetlight illuminating those stunning ocean blue eyes that I was drowning in since the day I met him. But it was those same eyes that hurt me.

He turned his head In my direction and realised I was standing beside a park bench, isolated, cold and hurt. He ran towards me and I wanted to move, I wanted to run, I wanted to run away from him and all the pain, but my feet just wouldn't move. My heart longed for him. He stopped when we were a few centimetres away from each other. We just took a moment to look at each other. His face and eyes were red, sore and puffy and he was crying. He was hurt.
But so was I.

Daniel's P.O.V

I fucked up. I was just so angry that she forgave Zach, but I can see why now. Zach explained while we were searching for Mia, even though he fucked up, and I mean he really fucked up, for some reason I believed him and forgave him.
I say a lot of stupid things when I'm angry, it's this stupid thing I do unwillingly since I was young. It's a stupid thing everyone does, it's just some people are better at controlling it then others. And I hate myself for not being able to control it. It hurt Mia.

I look at her tear stained face, she was hurt, I always hate seeing her like this but this time, she was in that state all because of me. She was shivering against the rain and her hair was soaking yet she still looked breathtakingly amazing. Heck, this girl looks amazing no matter what, I noticed she was really cold plus she was only wearing shorts and a short sleeved top. I wrapped my oversized Jacket around her, but then I got caught up in her eyes. Those eyes. Those stunning, gorgeous deep hazel eyes, the ones I'm lucky enough to look into everyday. The ones I fell in love with the moment I saw them. I looked down at those soft lips that spark fireworks whenever they collide with mine....

Mia's P.O,V

Of course, no matter what Daniel does wrong, or whenever he fucks up, he will forever remain a gentleman. He wrapped his jacket around me but then we got lost in each other's eyes. Those eyes. I can go on and on about them. The deeper I drown in that ocean, the more I fall in love with Daniel, every single day, I should just walk away right now, I should just walk away from this situation, from this problem, from this position but I'm losing myself in his eyes, his gorgeous breathtaking sapphire eyes. And those lips, sparking fireworks whenever they meet mine.
"Mia, I'm so s-" I cut him off and crash my lips onto his, I can never stay mad at this boy, I'm mad about this boy. I pulled back for a second, "I can't stay mad at you, I love you idiot"'I grin and crash my lips back into his after seeing him smile.

It begins to get more heated as I entwine my hands into his hair and he wraps his arms around my waist, I then wrap my legs around him as he carries me back to his car, still not losing the heat and contact. He lies me down and knows exactly where my sweet spots are, I let out a moan at each. He kisses my neck and nibbles at my ear and I soon realise what's happening as we begin undressing in the moment.
"Mia, I won't do it if you're not ready or if you're not comfortable" Daniel says comfortingly,
"Daniel, if there's one thing I know, is that I love you, and when I have your love, I'm ready for anything and everything" I say causing him to grin and continue. We finally did it.

What a way to end an argument.

Hahaha, wasn't expecting that, was ya?😂

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