Chapter 27

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Daniel's P.O.V

I've been a heartbroken wreck since I kicked out Mia. I don't know where she is or where she has gone. I can't say I'm not worried. Why am I worried if I hate her so much?! We are back at home, and I'm refusing to record with the boys or leave my bed.

They're trying to cheer me up, but they're heartbroken to. I can tell they miss her, they don't bring her up and I've told them not to keep contact with her. I can tell they miss her so much, I can't say I don't. I loved her. Love doesn't disappear easily.

"Dude, come to the studio, we need to do some vocal exercises." Jonah said, I can tell he's been crying, Mia was his little sister.
"Leave me alone." I croak out and he leaves after sighing in defeat. They've been trying to get me out all day, I can't do it, I can't stop thinking about her.

Mia's P.O.V

I've caged myself inside my hotel room all day, no calls, no text messages, nothing. They hate me. Suddenly, my stomach gets into a knot and I feel as if I'm going to be sick. I bolt to the toilet and let out the sick and then brush my teeth. Must be the stress getting to me.

I climb back into my bed caging myself in, I finally decide to turn on my untouched phone. Wow. Our split is on the news everywhere, how'd the press manage to get there? I go through YouTube, Instagram, all topics are about us and me and why I haven't been uploading. I can't. I'm a wreck. I can't stop thinking about him. I cant even bear to think about his name.

Suddenly I feel sick again and I run to the toilet and throw up, I brush my teeth again and at this point I figure there must be something wrong, I should make a doctors appointment. I make one for today and climb back into bed just staring at the hotel room ceiling, my thoughts taking me elsewhere.

Daniel's P.O.V

At one point all the boys came and dragged me out of bed to eat even though I didn't want to and I refused. They hauled me to the kitchen island and made me sit and eat. I didn't touch the food, I looked down. Pizza. Pizza was her favourite. Everything leads back to her. I can't even bear to think about her name.

I make it clear I really don't want to eat but they are stubborn, I take one bite and as I'm about to go back to my room, Jonah stops me and engulfs me into a hug. I release my tears, "I hate her so much! But I miss her" I say through tears and at this point everyone else looks like they're about to cry. "It's alright to feel that way" Jonah reassures as he leads me back to my room.

I just lay there, staring at the blank ceiling, my thoughts taking me elsewhere.

Mia's P.O.V

I finally hauled myself up to go to the doctors and once I arrived I waited patiently till my name was called and followed the doctor inside the room. She did a couple of check ups on me then did this one checkup for pregnancy checks and gave me a pregnancy test. It's stupid but I go along with it. Once I take it, I don't even bother looking at it, knowing it's negative.

"Uh-miss Carters, this says positive" she says, my eyes go wide,
"What?!" I look at it, thinking there must be some manufacturing mistake.
"And your pregnancy test I did on you was positive, it is confirmed, Miss Mia Carters, you are pregnant" she says in a congratulating tone. I stayed silent, it's not that I don't want the baby, I'm all by myself, how am I going to look after it? What would the press turn it into?

She then catches on and asks if I want an abortion, I straight away refuse, I'm not going to kill an unborn baby.
"When will I find out the gender?" I ask
"In around 5 months" she replies. I nod and thank her and leave the hospital back to the hotel room. I go through everything I need to do and know about this baby. Then I remember.

Who's the father?

Oh no. Shit, it's either Daniel or Jack. Shit. I need to talk to someone about this, but I don't know who, I have no one to turn to, I'm pregnant and alone. Jake. No wait what? What am I thinking? But, he is the only one who knows that what Jack said is a lie and the only person who doesn't hate my guts. My parents! I quickly call them. My heart broke even more, as soon as I told them the situation they were angry but as soon as I told them I was pregnant, the line went dead.

I began relentlessly sobbing as I called Jake.

"Mia?" A voice comes out after a few rings.

"Jake. Jake I'm sorry if you are busy right now, but there's no one else I can turn to" I said still sobbing.

"What happened?" He asked concerned.

"I flew out to London using the tickets my parents got me, I'm staying in a hotel, I kept throwing up and feeling sick so I went to the doctors. They did check ups and I took a test....I'm. Im pregnant. I explained the situation to my parents and they hung up on me, I don't know what to do and who to talk to. I don't know who the father is, it's either Daniel or Jack. Im all by myself. I'm scared Jake. I'm scared" I explained the situation.

Jake: Mia, don't worry I'm not a total douche, I'm here for you. You know what, I'm gonna send you plane tickets to fly to L.A, you can live with us in the Team 10 house" he said.

"Thank you so much Jake. Thank you so much" I said

"No problem, anything for you, I gotta go, call me when you board the flight" he said

"Will do. Bye" I said hanging up.

Here We Go. Time to start afresh.

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