Prolouge, part 1

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A long time ago, there was a Powerful Stone called ''The Human Mega Stone''.

The Human Mega Stone had the power to allow anyone who wield it, Mega Evolve into a semi-godlike being.


The Mega Stone was shattered during a war... into Pokemon Mega Stones for each and every Pokemon lacking a Mega Evolution.

If someone with a cruel mind and a Evil Heart would bring these Mega Stones together to forge a new Human Mega Stone, all hell could break loose...

But if one with a Kind Heart would collect them all and recreate the original Human Mega Stone, order could be restored to the Future...

This... is their story.

[Kalos Region, Monday 11:35]

[Ash's POV]

It was a beautiful day today. Me and my wife Serena was taking a walk through the Kalos Forest. Our children, Laura, Jason, and Sarah was walking with us. Yesterday was Jason's birthday, so he is now 10 years old. ''Dad, how is it to be a gym leader?'' My son asked me, i thought about it for a moment, then i turned to him.

''Well Jason, i don't get to be in sync with Greninja very often, but on the other hand, it's alright.'' i told him, being a Gym leader did actually prevent me from getting in sync with Greninja very often, but i did have a good time being a gym leader, ''Maybe when you're old enough, i'll teach you how to get in sync with your Pokemon, too.'' i added.

Serena were holding our infant son Travis in her arms, so she didn't hold my hand like usual, ''Time sure flies, huh?'' She asked me, i nodded in agreement, i recalled the time we went to Oak's Summer Camp and meet each other in the forest, the time she snapped me back into my senses, and the adventures we've had together, it felt like they only happened yesterday.

''I just thought of something...'' our daughter Laura spoke up, we looked at her as she looked at me, ''Dad, have YOU ever evolved your Pokemon into their special form in battle?'' she asked me, i began to think for a moment before speaking.

''Does Greninja's Bond form count?'' i jokingly asked her, she shook her head.

''In that case... no, i haven't Mega-Evolved any pokemon...''

''Don't worry honey, it'll happen someday, i can feel it.'' Serena assured me as she gave me a kiss on the lips, we were about to continue walking until...

''DAD, INCOMING!!!'' Sarah yelled at the top of her lungs.

''Huh?'' i said, before looking up and seeing something shooting towards me, ''PIKACHU, KNOCK IT OFF-COURSE!'' i Commanded Pikachu as i jumped back.


Pikachu used his tail to knock the object out of its course, it landed to the side of the path shortly after.

''Huh? what's that?'' Jason asked as he picked up the object, it was some sort of a stone.

''Pika pika chu?'' (Any clue what it is?) Pikachu asked, ''I don't know, buddy... we'll have to take it to Professor Sycamore, maybe he can help us.'' i Replied and called out Decidueye, ''De-cidueye!'' Decidueye exclaimed as he came out, i then called out Greninja from his Pokeball.

''Greninja, i want you to carry Laura, Sarah, and Jason back to Sycamore's lab, Serena, Travis, and I will ride on Decidueye back there.'' i explained to Greninja, he nodded and picked up the kids and placed them on his back, i jumped up on Decidueye and Serena laid her free hand around my waist, while holding Travis in her other arm. We then took off and was on our way to Professor Sycamore's lab.

[A few minutes later]

[Writer's POV]

Ash and his family arrived at Professor Sycamore's lab and entered.

''Ah, Mr and Mrs Ketchum, what brings you and your kids here today?'' Sycamore asked, Ash walked up to Sycamore, with the stone in hand, ''We came to see if you know anything about this stone, what do you think it is?'' Ash said, Sycamore looked at the stone with a Doubtful look, ''I don't know... it looks like a mega stone, not one i've seen before though.'' He just replied.

''Pika... Pi!'' (If it won't respond to anything... I'LL show it!) Pikachu said and kicked the stone, as he did, the stone began to glow as Pikachu's body began shining harshly.

''ARGH!!'' Everyone exclaimed and covered their eyes, Pikachu suddenly began to change shape a little, ''Piiiiikaaaa... CHUUUUU!!!'' (I have... POWER!!!) Pikachu exclaimed as his body stopped shining, revealing him to have taken on a new look.

''Pika Pika, PikaChu!'' (If i'm correct, It's a Pikachite!) Pikachu said as he confirmed his new form a Mega Evolution, Ash and Sycamore didn't believe their own eyes, ''Those are just words, Right, Buddy?'' Ash asked his Pokemon who shook his hea...

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''Pika Pika, PikaChu!'' (If i'm correct, It's a Pikachite!) Pikachu said as he confirmed his new form a Mega Evolution, Ash and Sycamore didn't believe their own eyes, ''Those are just words, Right, Buddy?'' Ash asked his Pokemon who shook his head, ''Can you change back?'' Serena asked Mega Pikachu, ''PIKA! PIKA PIKACHU!'' (NO! THIS FORM SUITS ME FINE!) Mega Pikachu responded harshly as he had Determination on his face, refusing to go out of his Mega Evolution.

''Pika?'' (Sweetie?) A Feminine Pikachu's voice came from one of the doors, ''P-Pichu..?'' (D-Daddy..?) A Pichu's voice also came, Pikachu looked to the left, to see his Mate and Son looking at him a little frightened, He calmed down and reverted back from his Mega Evolution, ''Piiiikaaaa.'' (Buuuuut then again.) Pikachu said as the Female Pikachu ran up to him and hugged him, ''Pika, Chu, Pi pi chu, PikaChu...'' (Sorry, Libre, The Mega Stone's power just went to my head...) Pikachu Apologized to his Mate.

''PikaChu, Pika... Pi pi Chu'' (Pichu, Don't worry, i'm not gonna hurt you in that new Form.) Pikachu said to his son, who was shivering because of the Mega Evolution, ''Pichu, you can't just be afraid of your dad just because he took on a different form.'' Jason told Pichu, the Tiny Mouse Pokemon nodded and hugged his father.

''I've never seen a Mega Stone like THAT before.'' Said Sycamore, ''This HAVE to be some sort of sign to something.'' he added.

''Professor, what do you think it--'' Jason was saying, but suddenly froze with a shocked expression, ''Agh!'' he exclaimed before falling to the ground holding his head in pain, Ash and Serena were shocked as they saw him faint on the floor...

[Meanwhile, somewhere else...]

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