Episode 31

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[Alola Region]

[Lusamine's house]

[Writer's POV]

''Hello?'' Lukas called.

Lusamine turned around, her silver-grey hair shining in the light. ''Lukas, how have you been?'' She asked, ''Never been better... though, i'm not as young as i used to be.'' Lukas replied.

Lukas and everyone else then got seated, ''So what have you been up to?'' Lusamine asked.
Lukas sat down his cup of tea, ''Well, i've been watching Laura during her journey, but you may know that since i successfully trained you to be an aura master and--'' Lukas instantly covered his mouth with both his hands after realizing what he just said. ''I've said too much...''

Everyone looked at Lukas with wide open eyes in shock.

''Anyways... how have you been after the fall of Giovanni?'' Max asked Lusamine.

However, all Lusamine replied with was a frown.

''What's wrong?'' Lukas asked. Lusamine looked behind her. ''Reveal yourselves.'' She said, and from the shadows came six humans. Lukas and everyone gasped in shock at the six.

''Plumeria? Maxie? Archie? Cyrus? Ghetsis? Lysandre?!'' Lukas said as he took out his sword.
''Restraint, Lukas!'' Lusamine told him, causing him to lower his sword, although still being battle ready.

''Aren't you supposed to be six feet under?'' Gladion asked. Plumeria spoke up, ''I should be dead, though Hau's clone had no use for me after he brought me back, so he purified me and now i'm here...''

Lusamine then decided to talk. ''The Giovanni Ash defeated, along with the other leaders in Team RR... was not the real ones.'' She explained.

Everyone (Except for the leaders): ''WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!''

[Meanwhile in Kanto]

Cypress walked into the basement and towards a man tied up.

''What to do? Your entire team left you for another...'' Cypress told the man. ''I didn't forget what my nephew did to the faker...'' The man replied.

''Then what about your men? Jessie, James, Butch, Cassidy, everyone.'' Cypress asked, ''Face it, Giovanni. They won't come back anymore.'' he added.

''And what about my great-nephew? Why do you think he will succumb to dark aura?'' Giovanni asked.

Cypress laughed. ''He will fall easily to dark aura once he succumbs to the anger of Team Eclipse.''

Giovanni gave him a concerned look. Maybe he could use Cypress to destroy something that angers Jason enough to take him on.
''Then, by all means, use your dark aura to destroy Cerulean city and get it over with.'' Giovanni said.

Cypress smirked. ''Gladly.''

[To be Continued...]

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